hmmm. tis most ridiculous, but i actually felt quite displaced without a functioning mobile phone! but alls more or less okay now and mom placidly sent my phone for immediate repair! im really quite surprised she didnt scold very much. seeing as everytime some piece of equipment i touch malfunctions, its face the music. this time shes pretty much bugged up with work, henceforth unable to complain much about spoilt mobiles, and im still intact :)

much lifted moods! hahaha here's a promise that i shall try at least, to not sleep anymore in math ala chooi's class! cos of the horrible detriment it brings about - sylvia pleasantly informed me that math portfolio was due today so now ive just finished rushing it out - and guess what? tis one day late (: for once, not guai. (but tis just so hard to not sleep in math! and nowadays, chem. said voices go right through my ear and out e other) although alena and debbie! you woke me up today, thank you! somehow, drawings of cute anime and random talk about herstories waketh thy uppeth!

meanwhiles, tis 3 more days before we can all start ldp-ing! so far, half the family is in (yes, you, sarah cheang! :D) and life's good. really good. despite the fact that well, limgeokhwa attested to the fact that only 1 out of our batch will be selected, but if all of us give awesome applications, we'll be roped. (: and the thing about ldp is that its like a symbiotic relationship. we're doing good to the community (which is yes, huge love) no matter which part of it. and we're also learning great skills like putting your time and life together! the bible teaches us to do good! to give is better than to receive.

and somehow appropriately, mr lee's t day present is packed in a tiger striped paper bag. with a cut out of his head's side profile, no less :) im beginning to wonder if its going to land me in e bad books before i can ask for his ldp-ing recommendation! "you have to get into his good books larh you!" - quoteth alena, on retorts due to a certain someone munching famous amos while watching audrey hepburn's breakfast at tiffany's. its such a waste to die at 64 and of colon cancer at that! hahaha e montage ronnie showed was really lovely, and heppie maintained herself till e very last! e best part was that she apparently worked for unicef in africa! and now, e likes of jolie & pitt, kate hudson, etc are now going there to help too! including rumours of our dear bimboh lohan considering going but delaying for a few million years, it seemeth.

i keep procrastinating! i remember promising thyself to begin studying aka revising biology a couple of days ago. the most i've accomplished - learning that the superior and inferior vena cava are both on e right side of e heart. and oh yeah, mom relating her university days studying the brain. apparently it takes one year to learn about that glob of wormy tubes in our heads and all the unnerving nerve functions. :(
aha finally finished editing herstory for the second time, and i really like christine, yingming's piece, which sort of reminds me of duael, the mira mere act, or something like that anyhows. and talking about duael, happy birthday catherine and gloria!

& meanwhiles, im feeling guilty about being a spoilt brat. pissed mom off today by arranging tennis @ 5 this week without asking her first if she could make it, cos she apparently had to see her patients today yes its sunday but still. so i got scolded. but its my fault for being selfish and not thinking about her stuff. but now shes in a good mood and watching csi downstairs, much to my amusement. lalala alena's like good influence cos (hello alena!) your actions teach me to be a better person. i spinach alena!

aha. i realised im not cmi at peer tutoring! as in, yingming says she understands stuff today about circle properties! ahaha therefore im in a good mood! :) and we did weird stuff on my balcony lol. my phone gallery currently has a picture of me apparently stepping on yingming's face. much amused (: and im still ticklish, i realised, much to yingming's thrill and my absolute disappointment. thank god debbie wont see this.

yay i finally bought shestheman dvd, and im forcing myself to stop splurging, cos e big months are coming up, and more birthdays are happening. which means, heh, more saving! i wanted to pay for t-day presents, but mom insisted she pay, so well. im buying 3 presents next month. if anyone's seen a uberkool naruto poster, tell me? or any significant jap anime-converted-to-poster. hahahaha i think chiraishis are cool vintage-styled artworks :) love.

& mistakes happen, darling. you'll juz have to accept they happen, and juz dont repeat them anymore? well not that kind anyway. you dont wanna be met by 100 pairs of cold staring eyes, tis no fun at all!

angst. my yearning to go to church goes deeper than ever. although i plan to take alena's advice and not go wonky over not being able to be there. though it would be nice to listen to pastor rony (in my case, albeit going for juz once, sadly) and learn more about worship, etc. meanwhiles, shall rely on e christians in my life for teachers. luckily, there're plenty to go around. heck, i think three-quarts of my circle are christians :)

33 more days to eoys! start panicking when there are 21 days to go! meanwhiles shall shift my gear to second notch, coming up from seventieth notch. :) heehee.

(gosh i almost deleted e entire post. juz decided to check for undo buttons before i started slogging out ever
ything again!)
if you're not in nanyang you wont understand this, and dont google it out cos e results tend to become falsely demeaning. we're not doing what you google. (although i heard that the word 'dont' translates into a 'do without you knowing for most people' haha) anyway my points that herstory's becoming much more than just writing about 5 ladies from different eras with serious issues over their heads. tells us that managing ourselves pretty important.

im amused that cheronne's doing an email in "chatspeak" (said alena) and yingming's doing a narrative, and whats alena doing i havent asked! :) yo whatre you doing! and jass, a poem, i think. and im doing a diary entry of a gal in the 1800s, pride&pred era. so its like, we're all doing people from different walks of life, times, but all stuck in e same you-broke-my-heart-and-you-control-me era. quite interesting, really.

tiffany, e gertishes and i are gonna lose our exceptionality, or exclusiveness, as e only residents of the hill in roughly 2 days! was playing tennis-aka-catch-da-ball yesterday in e cul-de-sac and suddenly this couple strides up from god knows where, with an asian guy and angmoh girl on their heels. so tiff and i, standing pretty in our school uniforms, stood there ever so daoishly and stared at e girl. who obviously sensed it, and turned back and stood and stared back.

my maid later confirmed she's the girl that charlie said oh i'll invite you to come play with my daughter someday, she's very friendly blahblahblah. now its going to be a bit funny aka awkward given that tiff and i were rudely stare-glare at the four intruders. giggle. and somebody (grr) was testing their bang and olufsen sound stereo in the cul de sac. so this is the so famed consideration of singaporeans, blasting radio channels out at volume ten thousand in a closed neighbourhood.

i foresee that with the addition of two more families and more up-n-coming in e near future, tiffany, ryan and i are definitely going to lose our rights to having verbal barrages and digs at each other across the street. although i think we might have annoyed e gertishes with daily hey guess what i have concert tomorrow! and the returning oh good luck! or the ya free to play tennis? and the kind of why dont you come over so i can like smack you and oh when do you want to tour richard's house so i guess much of thats all going to end now and we'll have to use alexander graham bell's wunderfool invention, the phone. or mobile, at that.

meanwhiles, spread the spinach!
hmm. somehow i always fall for alena's temptations. to blog, that is! so keep that mind pure and simple or honey you'll regret it. anyway! yes, i decided i'd try out for ldp too! i guess my main reason's cos i've always been a sucks for doing stuff that actually does something to e community in general, so here comes along a chance and i'll take it! plus it'll probably help me to be less of a spoilt nut, and take initiative in doing stuff, which norm im too laidback to do :) whoopsie. baring thy soul.

& heres where e fangirling starts! mooncakes are a-coming around e korner soon! yes, though it seems really a short time ago that my cousins came and munched snowskins under a lovely full moon that looked like a white choc oreo good enough to eat, sept is almost here! which means, one of e loves of me life is here too! (no, not spinach, although i do spinach mooncakes!)

oh yeah volleyball! for once, my blood capillaries along my left wrist lost their resilience and whatnot and finally popped! so i now have random red spots along my left wrist that seem to be fading since dinner, but you can still see them there! hahaha i shant hit e ball so hard again. which reminds me my ball control really sucks, i cant get it to stay within those screamishly yellow lines!

ladeedums championships on sat were great, although our senior team didnt get anything ): but e juniors swiped gold so thats really cool, and so did christine's team! so, congrats to christine jamie jeslyn liuyang and victoria! and for e juniors side, good work! to jo leexin peiling suesin and haidee! and nicole (whos now playing captain for hcjc) youre doing great! so forget about the first round! :) though i doubt she knows this blog exists lol but nevermind! spiritual support ahahaha & whats with e pink braces anyhows

oh and we had in ryan's old secondary school which is ngee ann sec, but apparently he doesnt like his old school very much so doesnt really matter i suppose. saw a lot of nass (yes, nass) girls with uber minisized-skirts. like, halfway up e thigh! and guys with shirts half tucked out, hair tousled & or gelled spikishly, pants, etc etc etc. meanwhiles, i insist nygh girls are not weird! grimaces;

im seriously quite pissed off these days, by random things. like when _______ tries to tell stuff that doesnt really matter when ______'s talking already. i mean, normally, just wait a while, i'll be done, i can talk. just dont like do it 3 or 4 times in a row, or something. and snatching stuff over! this one's a pretty childish gripe but its a bit offsetting when you're reading e book and here comes ______ and just snatches it over to read it. grr.

thats enough ranting for one day, ive never liked getting angry with people, and its so not what He tells us to do. besides, its just really not in my nature, but i suppose at e end of e day, im an avg human and well, it does happen. although e one time i got seriously mad, i got so much so i actually broke down. erm. doesnt sound very good, but yeah! im me! although ive never repeated that scenario since hahaha.

shall remain upbeat and myself in general. meanwhiles i accord it to the oncoming -thing- :) oh woes. plus i hadnt gone for tennis for almost 7 weeks so coach mikey was like "alamak all my effort wasted, keep that open face closed! and run diagonally to e ball more often lah!" lol never eat rice i think, i was like oh right the ball, then cheong and then barely got it. wahaha shall not sleep late and wake up even later on sundays any more.

i want to go to church, lifes not fair.
but was it ever.
and meanwhiles, youre pulling me so thin to the point of i-want-to-strangle-you.
although i think you probably want to strangle me too, for the both of us not truly speaking up.
though thanks for the sweet thing on friday! (:
back from vietnam and lijiang and ringha! :) yes hello singapore and uh, happy 41st birthday and i do apologise for running away on this very important day of your pretty life. i thought i'd do some world-trekking, but dont worry i thought of yeh while i was climbing some random mountain and ogling at six year old monks. wishing you great peace and prosperity!

there, my ode to singapore :) and this entry's inspired by a complaining laokung, who noteth this morning that i hadnt blogged 4 days more than erzi did. shame on me, for not exhortation-ing to e world about vietnam :) but ohwell! i recommend erzi and laokung go there! (well they are already) its up and bustling, and they sell hot brands that we girls seem to cluck and jabber over. somehow. :) i must be out of my mind today!

yeah lijiang was gr8 fun! totally! banyan tree was rootily comfy, with all sorts of random freebies thrown in, like tibetan bracelets (ooo), tianzhu charm necklaces (oooodles) and toiletry bags (okay i realised it wasnt free e day after i left lijiang for tibet, apparently it was like $20 but they never said cannot take and mom shrugged and said maybe they'd send e bill after us) and the service there is like wow stuff you cant ever get in spore! or malaysia or jb or batam! :D

i mean, i get up to get a spoon for my mixture of honey-rings-and-cocopops-cereal and i nearly bang into a smirking waiter who's sticking a spoon under my nose and saying "en, gei ni!" and im like oO can you guys stop being so alert cos im not used to it and youre freakin me out! okay im juz not used to that kind of service! but haha if only

meanwhiles what kind of ft do we have! who he himself lowers himself so much as to allege that we have 'bad upbringing' when heck, what kind person is he manz. as in, his momma and papa prob taught him all e ropes of being good and polite in this pretty world but he chose to ignore it, and now he accuses us of falsified stuff. yeah, so he thinks its bad upbringing? dang its got nothing to do with said upbringing! :X

& as im telling alena now, i simply miss obs. tuna milo red bean galore! oh and food ics r0xx0rz! :) dont we! although we you did forget to return e lockka key and its prob hanging on moomoo's nose in your bedroom right now, but thats okay! its a cold metallic souvenir that wont die. (oh im not making any sense out of myself today)

oh and talking about hiatuses, im off on said leave from sept 4 - oct 10 in terms of blogging! or maybe not! lets see how stuff works out! somehow they never seem to function e way they're supposed to! cos temptations juz too rife baby didnt you know.

one thing that annoys me: when people say something they obviously dont mean, or know, but dont say. if you get e drift. i wanna make some dedications next entry! like to 1 person from 5 different sec 3 classes or something! that'd be fun :)
she's jayne with a Y, a Christian in Barker Road Methodist Church. turns 18 on 19 DEC 09 (promise nobody will die in the hands of my driving). Currently in 6.14 JOPPA, ACS(I) IB, and a very short while away from taking her IBDP examinations *AHHHH*. will always deeply love GOD, retail therapy (!), food and FRIENDS. & nth charms like CHRISTMAS <3

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