hahaha great way to destress i agree -pointed look at lalalena (my random 2 am conjured nickname for you) singapore idol too! am neutral about the results. especially since during e results show, when they were singing the double duet with mdm rahim (that lady with a black tiearoundhat) somebody sounded abit offtune. and it sounded like jonathan, but hady, interchangeably. ohdear! shall refrain from talking too much about jon seeing as nearly everyone loves him hoho. hady has a baby face! abit! and the ophthalmologist in mom came out during dinner, when we were plastered to the screen.

mom: hey hady has a squint!
me: he does?!
mom: yar look his left eye his lower than his right.

why we love moms reason #13! hahaha and i seem to be watching tv more and more now! of all times. made a pact to quit till 10 october! and seem to be delving in lots of fashion this sept too! like, devilwearsprada, found myself reading fashion pages in a few mags my mom leaves around e house, and finally project runway two nights ago at 2 am on ch 16 cable! hoho very backdated, but has decided heidi klum is my favourite host! she's beautiful :) love the aryan blonde hair bleu eyes mixture! -stirs-

next love <3
and the next consideration. :)

HAPPY MOONCAKES AND EGG YOLKS. hoho to all those who love this festival. planning to buy more strawberry yoghurt and durian and lotus paste mooncakes from marriott and gift-from-grandma! already poked mom to buy some more heheheh :) AND 16 dec 06 saturday the date is set (for ophelia's benefit) now if you could - go ahead.

meanwhiles was told rather stomach-muscle-tightening news today. oh the shock.

hohoho is grumbling. i killed my thumb! ): slept on it against e edge of my hard wooden table e other day, so i killed a nerve! and now, its numb, and blunt things feel sharp and vice versa! and mommy was unsympathetic and went like 'aiyoh next time cannot perform surgery! you know a surgeon's life is his or her hands! fingers! and e thumb takes up 95% of that.' so good to know. i want it to go away soon! i cant stand holding a china spoon and dropping it cos e frigging thumb hurts. nerve synapse damage. i need damage control!

&! ohgosh. traumatised. mom's girlfriend (yeah fem adults keep calling each other that!) auntie doris came to visit last night. so another night killed. AND she brought raffles mooncakes! mini snowskin with lotus paste, champagne and ganache! :) mmmm and it was hardgotten! cos she was like 'eh currie (my mom)! i took great pains to get this box! cos i dragged steve (ala her husband ala ceo of mtv! zomg) and my sons with me and realised that ALAMAK! raffles area and suntec all heavily guarded cos of that imf! so e guards scanned all 5 of us in e car for very long! and all e angmohs looked at us like we were crazy cos we flew into e hotel to buy mooncake and dashed out again!' hahahahaha :) auntie doris rawkass.

oh and apparently, she's dragging mommeh and i off to sun city (aka HUGE CASINO in africa) after eoys, after new zealand adv. so i'll be stuck with her three sons. a very pretty ratio of 1:3! =| oh and have i mentioned. she confessed to mom yesterday that her whole point of getting her eldest son (derek, derrick? what?) to come pick her up was so he could come into e house, and be introduced to me oO which makes me change my notions abt mom entirely. basically what mom said - 'doris got him to come over here to hook ya up.'

now mom's a hypocrite cos she goes like 'oh yaknow you could start dating after jc2? immediately after?' lol and tonight when she spilled doris' beans on me, she was gloating. and i was like -raises eyebrows- HOHO ALENA MOMS ARE STRANGE SOMETIMES.

banana date after eoys! banana muffins, banana milkshake @ esplanade!, banana fritters from random kopitiam stall!, bananas from farrer road market! banana in pyjamas videos! bananas haha alena this is yours, all ready to go. innuendos not included. period. :)
so! this is what GEPers live for - chocolate. gloria and i are planning this mass date to some chocolate haven in Singapore (say, the choc cafe she was talking about) and well, eat chocolate silly! :) now to focus on mugging first (and there's a half done chem worksheet in front of me)

hoho titanic has reincarnated into plastic sheets, a lilac ball and a very loose, newly soldered engine. motor. propeller. & although yesterday it still refused to go in a straight line now it does, because ronnie brilliantly thought of putting e propeller under that flap thing, so now it zooms forward and straight. although we did have fun yesterday trying to fish out the boat. because of waves and fishes nibbling at it, plus certain other factors, it started circling again, and with a twitch of a rod it gurgled under e surface and we fished it out. literally. yingming's arm's swathed in algae and pond particles (alliteration!) hahaha :D

& because mom and malu and i were testing the boat in the rain ytd, heh i hope mom's okay already, becaused before she bathed she was already sniffling and sneezing away. hatchoo! :(

whee am in e perfect mood to put down those random messages to people i meant to do a gazillion years ago & so much more has happened in between.

#1 i love the way we've progressed since way back, since january? and even more, your heart of gold. plus e fact you've taught me to grow up in some ways you probably dont know. :) and even if there's been occasions when i dont think i understood you, youve got your reasons, and i respect that and everything else thats you! <3 LOVE.

#2 think first. think atticus and tkam. about stuff like judgements and decisions (: otherwise, youre absolutely cute and refreshingly funny company, like e way you behave (ha!) and everything. oh and bubbly, jumpy, floaty, etc. and do believe in yourself, youve got amazing potential and you can (and do already, in some ways) show it! :)

#3 i guess, unfortunately, everyone has different priorities in life, but admittedly, you'll have to start rethinking some of yours if youre ever gonna really get anywhere. but youve got great personality, and i suppose its only right i thank you for being there, and offering care and a hand (or two) countless times, for e past 4 months since we started really getting to know each other better. :) oh and your enthusiasm for your religion is pure respectable.

#4 you think people (ie. all of us) treat you in such-a-such way, but you have to know, its totally misplaced. and we do appreciate you, you just have to show it more through your attitude (100%!), and not only socially but academically. youve got e brain mechanisms for it, so utilise it, and e rest of your talents as well, which really dont deserve that layer of dust in some dark cupboard.

meanwhiles this entry is horribly backdated - 200906 right now. hahahaha am very amused that paulinah was rambling to us about receiving random sms-es like this one from somebody else's mistress. and he replied to it? hahaha and hannah was like twirling her mobile in chinese class today and caocao was like 'youre not trying to take picture of me are you! its against e law! dont scare me!' in chinese of course. oh tickles.
ahahahaha i adore kids! thenceforth (have i mentioned this before!) i might even consider doing cip after endofyear exams at a chillun's home, if william sng doesnt work out, but it probably will. old folks are pretty nice too, its a comfy environment to help out in, and we have cute citizens who gossip away and think that 'those girls cleaning e floor are e daughters (or granddaughters) of the soon-to-be resident of e refurbished flat'! & augustus yesterday! ohman now i have 6 absolootly kyoot pictures of him. im like tracking his life or something. :)

and thought id get into e scrape yesterday for running about. but apparently my 'curfew' didnt apply to tiffany's, and besides, i would have been playing tennis otherwise so whattheheck and nothing happened, save mom was very hyper about getting another degree (this time in cosmetic eye surgery) hahahaha and was whining about e part that she'll have to take exams just like us but concluded in e end that she was taking for pleasure anyway and we werent. so she teased. AND another plus of last night? mooncakes and biscuits (cookies, whatnot) from grandma galore!

whee & sarah cheang! get well soon okay! youre already sounding much better today, progressively, and do be back to norm tomorrow! meanwhiles (being in class) heh youve got fangirl juniors! :) & SAMANTHA! gawsh i never knew you had to be hospitalised for 2 weeks, am sorry for disbelieving you today. hope you're okay now, lets get your immunity up with all those (ackishly 'orrible) beetroot juices and random health-organic foods!

ohyes showed off hossan leong to mom and malu and hahaha lots of giggles! now, according to jass, and some very incriminating websites, he is gay. (disturbing) ive honestly thought him always to be some sort of effeminate! apparently e story's longer'n that, now. BUT whatever respect i have for him is for e fact that he's a great comedian after all. whee am going to get strongly absorbed in youtube! apparently mr lee watches ashlee simpson (ala disaster on SNL) but ohwells he's himself. i admit i like jessica simpson to some extent! aha public affair.

there are some people on this pretty little world who should start waking up from slumber soon! -glimmer- perhaps it takes more than some hunky prince to do that, but yeah, its way overdue, and if you know you have to do it, you just have to push yourself a little bit more and jianchi xia qu, cos e results in e end will be worth so much more than if otherwise.

& flu jab today! omg am rather guilty for cutting queue when there were dragonloads of people, but heh. thanks leeqi! and fellow blubberpoker vera! (allow me to quote you!) now you know im ticklish (sensitive spots). and now i know that about you too. -rubs hands devilishly- hey my maid smacked me on my arm just now, uber pain! :( not intentionally but still! hope everyone's recovering wonderfully? :)

& very disturbingly, i discovered, from a brief chat with alma the germans' maid today, that their lovely english cocker spaniel of a dawg is also called RYAN. oO but she was like after i saw that teenage boy next door i told ma'am and now we try not to call him too loud anymore. roflmao! and i told aunty meggie that he was bryan. uh oh.

so baby just say goodnight.
whee has been an awfully productive week in terms of slacking! hahaha yingming and i went to big macs and wound up meeting random people who interrogate you on how to dig your way into the ip, science textbooks and whatnot, with two primary school kids in tow.

devil wears prada is a must see! hahahaha meryl streep rawksass, and anne hathaway wasnt too bad, although it was kind of obvious e bimbohness hangover from pd series still hasnt left her bloodstream yet, but soon! hahaha shall watch brokeback mountain someday r21 or not and watch her performance as the cowgirl there! whee! and yeah, depends who we're talking, but a terribly bimbohed pluspoint of devilwearsprada was all e racks upon racks of costumes from chanel valentino versace and yes, prada. christian thompson has a very undesirable paunch. and nigel aka stanley tucci, e guy from shallwedance with richard gere and J.Lo! <3>

& ive swum twice this week! oh man e first time the water was clear and really cold, second time was murkier cos it had rained, and there were bits of particles. so i was floating around wearing goggles and goggling at e bottom of e pool - cos everytime i put me foot down, a cloud of BLACK STUFF went up ew. was fun nevertheless, and i spent a bit of time frolicking on e green sunbathing float. butbutbut of course it was nighttime. phooey. & DIVE! small mass create big waves :) hahaha am i self delusionary or what.

hahaha & then on friday night tiffany and folks invited me to go eat dinner with them at da paolo so yeah that was pretty fun too except mommy couldnt come cos she had to meet auntaye doris with whom she plans to have girls getaway to gold coast this coming weekend i think. thats what it sounded like. hahaha ryan you were right about e insulin glucose and glycogen thing! thanks, teach :) we did random stuff like talk about headphones, examine angmoh girls night outs, and etc etc etc. pity augustus couldnt come!

ladeedums ive taken to digging in e pool for leaves and helping. e other day was helping tiff pick her leaves and this evening i helped mom gather e leaves with that heeyooge net that soon became heavy with myriad frangipani leaves, flowers, coral flowers, more leaves from godknowswhere and etc.

& ryan! its pretty wow of you to call e house and make your way here in e middle of e night (okay fine 0946 pm) but hahaha cometothink of it i wont get into a scrape like in sec 1 when somebody called __________ wouldnt stop prank calling. so, theres a difference i suppose! all e same, enjoy shestheman!

all in all its been a pretty fun week and i think tmr we ldpers shall approach our target teachers for recommendation (this is the uberly scary part) and yes, ask for recoms. pray hope wish! :) and for goodness sake, me, start focusing on studies. ive been kind of sleeping my time away and slacking for e past 2 weeks.
er september doesnt seem to be e best of months. sept 11 aka soraya's birthday is coming soon, and its been 5 years on and why cant people just stop fighting cos He never meant for us to start slicing each other up and defying creation anyway so world peace and would y'all puhlease just sit down and meditate and be guai. and there's like this national geog special on tv about e 24 dec 04 tsunami which mom's watching so im just listening in and well, ghastly images.

i dont understand why and how people can just stand on e rooftops and go hey look daddy thats a tsunami wave aint it? and daddy goes oh yeah i see it and there are oblivious people down below who dont know theyre having e last minutes of life. gawd e waves are like 20 feet high at least. this family was looking for their son pierce and well he didnt contact them so they were kind of skeptical and a couple of weeks later, in thailand they saw this photo of body #348 and it was pierce. ):

& steve irwin. praying for his wife and kids. so striking that so many cried for him. my ex tuition teacher (whos like really nice) spent e afternoon in mourning. never watched his shows but heard of him thru e paparazzi heh and yeah, he always exuded this huge love for animals and kept up e good cheer in general with everyone. pretty much ironical he died filming oceans deadliest, and died cos of a stingray which are apparently usually placid and its not common for people to die cos they dont usually smack people so close to e heart. and irwin just took e barb thru his heart? :(

meanwhiles! tiffany's dad's aka uncle cy's birthday on 4 sept! happy belated birthday! :) and whee i decided gender stereotypes tick me off. like, general society thinks girls dont match up to guys in sports and stuff. guys must be e ones to make e first move, not e girl. and well to be objective, guys cant like be as physical with fellow buddies without being labelled pda. and guys cant cry, that sort of thing. (although i do think guys wearing pink looks freaking weird. like robert hoffman in e interior of shestheman! whee im a mixed up person. so add in sugar and milk and stir!)

shall spend some time meditating on what could possibly come out of e topic figuring it out. figure - numbers, thinking out stuff (e most forthcoming, literal definition) and ha! woman's shape, guy's shape. oh and a random joke! that women are like sports in that when youre 20, youre a soccer ball. at 30 youre a basketball. at 40 youre a tennis ball and at 50 youre a golf ball. the link? think about e number of guys who chase e ball in each of these sports and then do the math.

whee im applying for ldp online tmr! and hantaming jay on monday for his somuch feared recommendation. ack so only a pretty 60 they will take in. jiayou to all of us - alena yingming ronnie etc! :)
whee happy teachers day and have a fun & crackin' eighteenth to ryan for tomorrow 02092006! (i said eve just now!) ladidums eighteen is like the magic age or something, where you get to see great stuff like hard candy. hahahaha yesterday was much fun, class party plus concert plus phatz farewell party! :) mom surprised me by buying a chocolate cake from lana on wednesday for tday, when normally you have to like, wait eons before they give you your order. plus i bought e yummilicious jap cheesecake from taka basement, although it does taste slightly different i dunno why. new cook?

our teachers have cute reactions to gifts. mr lee was like trying to juggle all his food against his _____ when joce and ariel piled cookies and tarts and cards on him, and he posed with e nici cup for photoshooting! and the onion adorablest that jass made's now sitting in his cubicle and he said e teachers complain of its aroma and what the aromatherapy is doing to them but keep it there jay cos its so freaking cute! :) paulinah began twirling e prayer wheel thing like a kid and was abt to tell some story of tibet monks i think but stopped thank goodness. and olivia chee was like e spunkehest teacher around! and e rest of e bio dept! they all turned up in e hongzhi uniform! and ochee and shanshan came to 310 where many photos were taken and we had great fun! yay.

hahaha and new zealand talk was most fun! before e rep from nz eduventure announced the groupings, claire joanna & etc were all like oO omigosh i hope they pair us with people we know. although it is good to be nice and social and make friends, but in a place like nz, when going gets tough sometimes and you'd like to be able to fall back on people and stuff, at least one other person you know well in e same group's e best thing. yeah so with teh exception of melly (well at least you know cindy but yeah, -hug!-) all e geppers were placed with fellow geppers! :) and claire (: and joanna chng and i are in e same group, with leeqi as our group leader hahahaha leeqi youre so dead! and we know most of our group - leeqi claire joannachng adele sheila pennymoo and four more hehe shall go rmbr their names! we're travelling from 7 to 19 nov 06!

& er, rain dash hopes rain not nice rain killed soccer game :( hehehe yeah so soccer died. e nz talk took so long by e time we came out, phatz and lyn were out of bball with limchowhoon! hahaha so we went to shaw house to watch monster house! groar. and people do funny things on buses. there was this girl balancing math homework on her lap and a calculator on top of it! and opp her was a girl doing friendship bands, and by e time claire beth phatz and i got off e bus, she'd advanced by roughly 3 cm of band :) jiayou to whoever you are! and the mathhomework girl would have done tanchikleng proud!

lalala we ate in e mezzanine level of shaw house. lynette found her way past the public transport system to find us! (like suddenly you see a mini plus cuter version of eminem walking over) and later we met kevin (mark lee) seetow (who was absolootly garnished black and thus we couldnt make him out) tom (who looks strangely different) calvin (aha not mr lee) and chiujinghua (oO) who were all there to watch devilwearsprada at 3 which we were supposed to watch. i think lyn beth and claire felt extra cos they arent ex nyp people so phatz and i remained and played two rounds of bridge with kevin and jinghua. and no, i dont block guys i just happened to change my msn and conveniently havent added guys to it yet. well, just one, that is.

we had a debate in e bus and during lunch abt what movie to watch! monster house or devilwearsprada. hahaha meryl streep and anne hathaway would have been fun to ogle and laugh at butbutbut beth and claire didnt want and phatz and lyn and i didnt mind either, so we wound up watching monster house (e cartoon with our little girl in it hahaha) but it was quite fun, animated and spielberg-ed and all. its kid-scare! :) hahaha devil too bimboh for claire and beth. hehehe lynette was having fits during monster house cos of e high voices of prepubescent kids and lots of talk about said growth process.

went to video ezy at 6th avenue after that! took a long time to choose movies, in e end we borrowed dirty -something- scoundrels and scrubs! :) hahaha claire and i started discussing panic! at the disco and how much love they are since e others were taking rather long. examined mean girls and what a girl wants too, i think amanda bynes hasnt changed bimboh-wise.

electric barbecue at phatz's place! hahaha never had one before! and her sister's like absolootly cute! :) and aetheleine said so far only i spelt her name correctly hahahaha but thats cos i read phatz's blog e day before and well, there's a huge youtube video there, with aeth's name hanging around in e caption or smth i think. whee little kids tell funny jokes at e table. claire lyn and i were dying trying to hold our sides and not laugh out loud mainly out of amusement at e joke telling rather than e joke itself heh.

darts! went home with a good score at 2030 hrs! :) and bowled this afternoon with them again, at rtc, where mom and i went not too long ago. although my score this time was decidedly better at 55, rather than 19 (round 1) and 43 (round 2) hahaha and phatz got like 96 whoa. aeth did quite well, albeit sometimes with mommy's help, but 40 smth is a good score for you! :)

hahaha arcade! had a bit of problem with e bike and car. and yes, xsppvepk, i foresee trouble during my driving test but touch wood and hope and wait and see! meanwhiles, imf is coming and orchard road has ghastly polka dot wraps on its trees. although they do create a comical envt so lets credit them on that, and erms, they do shout loud hellos to e visitors! :)
she's jayne with a Y, a Christian in Barker Road Methodist Church. turns 18 on 19 DEC 09 (promise nobody will die in the hands of my driving). Currently in 6.14 JOPPA, ACS(I) IB, and a very short while away from taking her IBDP examinations *AHHHH*. will always deeply love GOD, retail therapy (!), food and FRIENDS. & nth charms like CHRISTMAS <3



amanda sunfish!
the old amanda
athena tan
cookie shop
gabriel tan
gabriel tong
hui shi
jolyn ang
m sng
michelle chua
sarah cheang


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