ouch. back pain! methinks while toweling my hair, sleeping or some other strenuous activity, i must have pulled a muscle in my back. or sprained something. kuz now everytime i bend my neck, arch or whatever (like right now) its indescribable =X hahaha i consulted ym and she says she did sprain her back some time back but it lasted eons, and definitely sounded much more pain :S so meantimes shall have to be awful careful about which way i tilt my head and stuff, then wont be so pain! :)

still on ashton kutcher withdrawal! hahaha watched the guardian and its really good! so go watch! hahaha there're like really funny parts, and also really touching and serious parts! (oh and some hot parts) mostly you'll be seeing a lot of bravado and loads more water, kuz e whole movie centres around the us coast guard! training's so intense it makes tennis pt or bball pt look as easy as drinking water from a cup :) juz for trivia, ashton kutcher's married to demi moore, who's something like 10 years older than him hoho.

next up is death note tmr! ___ said its veh nice, tiffany and jasmine said it was okay. hmmm. i think light has veh kool hair! should i adopt that fluffy hairstyle hahaha but everybody supports my belief that i'll look weird in short hair (fluffy or not) so i suppose that'll remain a fantasy for awhile.

hoho jasmine gatecrashed over @ 4 yesterday to watch frida - the movie feat autobiography of frida kahlo, a majorly amazing mexican artist, who had a handrail piercing her thru her right waist and exiting from her _____ so she pretty much had loads of pain walking. totally unable to give birth, so she had some miscarriages, often featured in her paintings, mostly of herself, and incredibly abstract. oh and she married diego, a fellow artist, but a political one. and they both had affairs (she had one with trotsky that russian political guy who mind you was an old fogey by then) and, guh, frida died at 47 from kidney failure, lung problems (smoker) and drinking-induced problems. why we should not drink -stares at lynette-

hahahaha and then after dropping jasmine home @ 10 mom maid me & even the dog sat down in e theatre to watch lake house! which is really shweet, but am still trying to figure out how it works, with two people from different times coming to meet? how is that possible! :) hahaha but i guess its the sweetness and mystique that makes it so appealing. hahahaha i would like to see keanu reeves and sandra bullock together! they've got such great chemistry, look at lake house and speed 1, speed 2.

meanwhiles am poking mom to rent the m18 hard candy from videoezy. so far she's agreed :) whoots. still planning to rent sin city if possible for me birthday. yay skool rumble dvds coming me way soon! arigato! =D
lol majorly t00t entry but am in sim library now :) waiting for ym and gang to come out for arena! hahahaha whoots go ny (this is the support team and nydc speaking) so far, jasmine (busily typing success email to mr something from lit sem) and i agree st nicks has put up quite a credible performance, compared to e others anyway. & pengy (zhoupenghui gasp.) is here too, shock and horror dont think ive forgotten p6 term 1! -shuddereth- OH and adrian pang is here too, he glares at people, doesnt look at them. he glares. and he's wearing a brown jacket tht looks like e one that one of e TAs was wearing ytd :D

am hoping ny will put up a dynamite performance (debate) and bi sheng! hahahahaha and ym you arent gonna see this in time before round 7 comes up (when ny presents and now tis only round 4 or 5 & i plan to run off when both teams finish) but jiayou! and ive faith in you juz like w'all, and dont be nervous or tight rigid whatever. be natural, and you'll definitely make e cut! :)

meanwhiles i must comment on the size of this university! and gosh hahahaha the canteen! being nearly bankrupt once more (after clearing three people's presents at one go) jass and i stuck to the cheaper canteen and gossiped briefly about acs guys dining in the gourmet (ala more ex) section. lol and the fish&chip lady took super long can!

[translated from chinese]
auntie to guy behind me: whats your order?
me: er excuse me. yuo havent taken my order.
ri guy in front of me: EH AUNTY. YOU HAVENT TAKEN HER ORDER LEH.
aunty: huh orh okay er what you want?

hohohoho then after that spent 15 min tapping my foot waiting for said western dish and hoping jass wouldnt mind too much. & this school's bad for my health, kuz after 1 apple, 1 fish&chips, abit of jasmine's noodles and 1 gassy coke, i was tempted to buy a sausage, pocky strawberry biscuits and potato chips from e vending machine. and mocha for jasmine. toot. i can feel my skirt getting ________ oO

(the guy opposite my terminal keeps checking out jasmine who's 2 terminals to his left. she knows) anyway! merriment! litsem was a success despite all the sleeping at 4 am, pining away about change of topics every 36 hours, and hearing whining about what to write say or do in general. HAHAHAHA and jasmine's not used to being commended so much for her poetic abilities. now there's a person from e audience who wants her to help write a book on poetry i think. clapclap jasmine go for it! :)

waking up at 7 am regularly nowadays does not help me. and meanwhiles during exams, i was getting a pointier chin, now its getting fat and round again. i see hints of a double chin if i continue bingeing e way i do here in sim! tweet. hahahaha come new zealand shall be starving half e time. and i'll miss singapore for e near 2 weeks that i'll be away and everyone in it! and when i come back i'll miss risking my life doing stuff in nz equally so hahahaha =D & alena sarah cheang ym lynette and everyone else im flapping a hotpink lacy hanky to wish y'all goodbye at e airport sniffling away. (haha sarkasm)

am wondering which bus to take back from SIM in roughly 30 minutes time (now's 5 pm) i like e skool! in that there's marble right left centre. and the food selection here is obv more glorious than ny but what can we say tis a high skool we study in yo. anyway! jc in like 1 year. (time flies)
THE PRESTIGE! hahaha alena and lynette hurry up and watch! tis veh interesting, with a really good plot and chock full of suspense and fun. although it did get a little freaky when at the end all deep&dark secrets were revealed (that magician ___ actually had ___ ) and you finally understand that sara ______ pointlessly. (censored for those who havent watched)

& DoA! hahahaha another brainless movie, i'd say worth about $5 to watch, mostly kuz of e eye candy in e form of holly valance (as christie) and devon aoki (as princess kasumi) and etc. otherwise, e plot is pretty much dried and pressed out and the wolfish guy isnt convincing enough. and his assistant reminds me of tanchikleng :) well anyway i'd give it 2.5 stars. so there you go, lynette!

hahaha joanne was really funny and she revealed some rather disturbing facts about mgs :D but yeah, was veh fun after so long and we're planning smth else soon before my birthday when she'll be coming over! whoots :) am in a flyingly good mood right now! jiayou erzi for arena tmr! and e two teams too!

hahahaha the opening of ldp was veh much interesting! and the lady alena sarah and i met on e bus did turn out to be one of e TAs after all, yeah that lady who was like "is this [bus stop] opposite nanyang junior college?" when she meant national jc can! and anyway nyjc is super far from bukit timah! =D anyway icebreaking was easy, even though we all didnt know each other. saw about 6 or 7 people from nyps there too! they look different!

hohoho and our team advisor (TA) adrian goh is from smu, about 20 years old and has funny smelling cologne, that becomes stronger every time he speaks :S and he's a mini version of calvin lee can! and alena! your TA turned out to be as bimboh and slack as she looked right! hahaha other ldp scandals shall be kept private behind closed doors (msn windows)! meanwhiles the guy-girl ratio per group kind of stinks, its like 5:2! and my fellow girlmate is from rgs and looks super familiar!

litsem litsem litsem ohnoes! shall somehow finish the powerpoint presentation tonight and hoho meet doom at hci audi tmr. whee! and after that, am debating the possibility of either supporting ym during arena debate at SIM tmr or go watch guardian @ cineleisure. or can do both, movie at night! hahahaha slowly decide! which bus goes to SIM anyways!

shall watch death note sometime soon, loads of people said it was superkool, although two said it was only okay, namely a certain jasmine tan! :) meanwhiles am still superslow with goong esp since im following ch U! only on epi 15 toot still have 17 more to go! and no more late nights! (jian jue!)

meanwhiles WHO WANTS TO GO FOR CIP HELPING BLIND KIDS WITH TUITION @ SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION OF E VISUALLY HANDICAPPED? :) hahaha patience required, little kids are rather fun to work with? so far, alena and i, i guess. and its also abt time alena ym and i returned to thong keng sac to offer our services! :)
(permission granted by alena, no copyright infringements whatsoever) hahaha anyway alena wrote a really good piece about something called ell-oh-vee-e LOVE, complete with quotes from e holy bible! and they're really good quotes, very real, very down to earth. and these words are like, teachers, so go look at it! its veh profound! (yes alena, it is! oh and when i read the what is love? part, e first thing i thought of was e king from daejanggeum kuz thats EXACTLY what he asked janggeum's best friend with tears in his eyes ohoho)

meanwhiles much to my amusement, i realised DoA wasnt even out yet, so jo and i decided to go tmr! confirmed, finally :) i guess when you start being real friends again after veh long, starting on smth like movies tis pretty good! hahahaha and YINGMING! death note cannot watch on nov 1 (well, best not to anyway, earlier can! if not, nvm nov 1) kuz nov 2 is me muvva's birthday and i usually hang around from nov 1 - 2 for e goodness of it! :) but yeah, death note is super kool, so i've heard!

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI to nobody in particular! but yeah, happy holidays! so went to vivo city instead yesterday, but first to sentosa cove, where they're building up places along e coast. mom went for her examine buildings-@-e-coast meeting which was only supposed to take 15 min but instead 1.5 hrs so in e end, she promised to buy me more for the wardrobe hahaha cum bday present! (even though e car and party are already well, gifts)

FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT GONE YET - vivo city is not overrated! tis a veh lovely place, stupendously big! and the skyroof is veh much love, if youre galileo kind of person you can stand there and study the minor and major bears (star constellations!) in e sky! and the big fluffy round moon too! :) and candy empire has its flagship store in b2 which is HUGE (more jellobeans!) gap is pretty good too, but samuel & kevin is officially me favourite norm clothes brand! hahaha wardrobe happy now =D ran to mom to get more hangers!

& guh! today was fun albeit not e healthiest thing to do but yeah! we had water games, and we (i) kept throwing or emptying water bags (sometimes bags with pink water) over ms chee's head, till her shirt got stained (uh oh hope it can come off or i'll have to quit bio next year for fear of zeros on report card HOHO) and she stalked off. then after that, we spiked lynette's veh wet hair so she looked exactly like a certain calvin lee! then alena sarah and i went for the ip closure talk and kuz (hmmm) pe shirt was kind of damp and skirt and fbts were both very damp, spent half an hour (after waking up from good nap during tieh's monotoner speech) shivering away. internally & externally ):

ohwells hahaha & no driver today kuz of hari raya so i walked in e rain back home today - is it by coincidence or what! somehow the skies work against us indeed, but yeah, hohoho hopefully my immunity will keep its four feet standing! and you, get well soon! :) no more sneezing! (which also means no more hotpink tissue box then)

shall be cabbing down to newton mrt in about 45 min, then heading for orchard - watching the prestige tonight! sarah cheang i trust you that its a veh good show, and i think i may quite like scarlett johansson! i used to, veh much, after horse whisperer, kuz of e incredibly brave and realistic performance she put up :) wonder about dinner? hung-ger-leh. sorry jasmine cannot go watch death note today kuz already going and besides, need to save up for 5 people's prezzies hahaha! (inference mom paying for tix and clothes haha oops)

there are ants crawling all over me! kuz i left my apple out here on e table and me laptop's next to it! =|

tagged by ym for another quiz - BORED & watching return of e king at e same time! FELLOHSHIP! (ew, im at e part of rotk where frodo's trying to shake off shelob, gawd i hate spiders!)

1. Single, taken or crushing? shinghel i believe.
2. Are you happy with your life right now? oh very.
3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast? :)
4. Have you ever had your heart broken? nope, havent started, break what heart!
5. Do you believe there are circumstances where cheating is available? in exams, yes.
6. Would you take back that someone if she cheats on you? unless i can regain trust! =)
7. Have you ever talked to someone about marriage before? who hasnt?
8. Do you want children? yeah! =) (alena are you still adopting?)
9. How many? 2 or 3 (and in between, haha joking!)
10. Would you ever consider adoption? it depends on circumstances.
11. If someone likes you now, what is the best way to let you know his/her feelings? honestly (is e best policy)!
12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships? :)
13. Honestly, what is the furthest thing you and your ex did? >< style="font-style: italic;">14. Do you believe in love at first sight?
uh huh.
15. Are you romantic? havent tried being it, certainly. am guai.
16. Do you believe that you can change someone? yeah!
17. If you could marry someone, where would it be? in church and later on a beach in italy! =D
18. Do you give in easily when fighting? in primary school with sticks and stones yes.
19. Do you have feelings for someone right now? many! (no this is not a scandal! look skywards =D)
20. Have your ever wished you could have someone but you messed it up? no. not the messed up part.
21. Have you ever broken a heart? dont think so, if yes, apologies. (am amused by me traumatising primary one incident but thats 6 y'old so whatever!)
22. If one day your best friend fell in love with the boy/girl you are deeply in love with, what will you do? let best friend have, if e match is right?
23. Are you missing someone right now? =)
24. Name your 4 lucky people to do this:
1. alena slacker wan!
2. sarah cheang
3. suxiang
4. leeqi
(5. it'd be interesting to see the answers from an orc's point of view, thus the effect of watching lordoftherings)

definitely time to bathe. t00t.
"ride to ruin, and the world's end! DEATH!" - king theoden
whee dont think i'll like e episode of goong veh much tmr! kuz its like xiaolin trying to plaster herself literally on xin, but after watching e past 10 episodes, im beginning to support the xin-chaegyung match, instead of cg-lu! and hoho i like xin more than lu now, kuz lu is conniving! :) hahahaha and alena & i decided goong is really not worth getting e dvds, but only stuff like daejanggeum, or maybe my lovely samsoon? (i support djg!) anyway its like you probably wont watch goong again after 1 round, cute actors or not.

mom's not too happy im killing my eyes watching goong day in day out on a small screen on youtube but hahaha nevermind i've stopped already kuz i've already finished watching the first six episodes i missed, veh painstakingly, kuz of youtube's 10 min rule, im watching 7 parts per episode! :| but yeah eye candy! & talking about the muvva, am allowed to dish out my number to anybody freely now hahaha muvvas rawks once more.

meanwhiles jasmine plucked out my horoscope from tarot, and am surprised and schlocked by how totally accurate it is! go check it out yourself! :)
You are riding an energetic high, but it's more complicated now to express what you are feeling. You might believe that you can do whatever is necessary; your optimism is waving like a flag in the breeze. Unfortunately, you may not be able to let go of a lingering suspicion that there's something you forgot. Give yourself permission to keep turning over recent events until you find what you are seeking.

and teh uber detailed results of me enneagram test, thanks to jass, although some parts really arent true! while most are. hahaha go figure!
the Peacemaker
you chose BX - your Enneagram type is NINE.

"I am at peace"

Peacemakers are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union with others and the world around them.

How to Get Along with Me

  • If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially don't like expectations or pressure.
  • I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advantage of this.
  • Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit.
  • Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge me gently and nonjudgmentally.
  • Ask me questions to help me get clear.
  • Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery.
  • Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings.
  • I like a good discussion but not a confrontation.
  • Let me know you like what I've done or said.
  • Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life.

What I Like About Being a Nine

  • being nonjudgmental and accepting
  • caring for and being concerned about others
  • being able to relax and have a good time
  • knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around
  • my ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good mediator and facilitator
  • my heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and now
  • being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe

What's Hard About Being a Nine

  • being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive
  • being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline
  • being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch of the mouth personally
  • being confused about what I really want
  • caring too much about what others will think of me
  • not being listened to or taken seriously

Nines as Children Often

  • feel ignored and that their wants, opinions, and feelings are unimportant
  • tune out a lot, especially when others argue
  • are "good" children: deny anger or keep it to themselves

Nines as Parents

  • are supportive, kind, and warm
  • are sometimes overly permissive or nondirective

gloat. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ARENA TEAMS FOR MAKING IT TO NEXT ROUND! hohoho am feeling in best of moods to hooray people on and anyway if said good news happened, yingming can speak for arena already! so cheerios you on! :) flash stars on mediacorp! make mdm mak marvel! hahahaha am high!

oh and the discovery centre trip today? really odd, makes us feel like nursery kids again! like the good ol' "chillun! pwease holde yor hands and put your finkers to yor mouth okay!" and the jig on merlion was quite funny, although his eyes looked a bit freakaye in e vid clip they showed us. and singapore discovery centre SDC is for patriots can, there aint one single exhibit not dedicated to spore! mr nah made us all laugh by being the melvin wong of the newscaster exhibit!

OHOHOHOHO tmr must wake up @ 9 am to do some poem writing at least for litsem presentation before pao-ing off to orchard with joanne tay! :) DoA! otherwise am gonna feel super guilty to jasmine! and besides we only have like whad, 5 days left (and even less with each second) to write out maybe ten poems and add art and music icings to the cake in general ohno! and worse, we dont have calvin lee's number, so cant poke him for advice right there and then - we've resorted to e snailmail of emailing.

hahaha and am glad ive finally removed that orrible pink rosey flowery thing that used to represent my life's journal! oO am more down to earth with this one! although i wont visit too often, kuz i'll be staring at the kids' eyes and doth i like kids so muchly! (hahaha told alena today if i go vietnam might be hugging the street children left right centre)

anyway ryan! i got 3 blogskins but im not sure if youre fine with them or not, only one caters to your black&white preferences! one is white and has a line from one way on it in hot flaming red :)
world trade centre! watched it last night, its really sad. kuz all we ever got to see on tv was the towers, imploding into themselves to ground zero, and thats it, plus a long string of bush's messages to the world. but in the movie, you get to see behind the scenes, how you stand in e concourse as a bunch of hardy cops who want to help, then BOOM and the whole building (a massive skyscraper) lands on top of you. and you get stuck for like, 24 hours. TISSUES! :( dunno why some people in e theatre were laughing?! esp e part when will (a hispanic cop partnering mcloughlin) has a vision and sees jesus holding out a water bottle (he's super thirsty) and wants to take it, but doesnt, kuz he knows its a message telling him to hang on there and live for his family and upcoming baby. although there were quite few dry eyes at e end.

& DoA! jo and i finally made proper contact since my birthday last year, and we've finally set for tuesday to go hang out and watch that movie @ orchard probably. i guess its about time, kuz ever since i moved out 3 years ago poomf! we talk a lot less (long distance cmi) so its time to renew a 14-year-old friendship! (yeah since bawling babies building brick barricades) <3 and once again, there's the mgs-nygh thing again. hahahaha am in a good mood!

mom hasnt quite registered the fact that im not 18 yet :) after a veh long (2 hrs actually, but when youve gotta sit on your arse for 3 hours in a hot hall listening to long speeches, well, you know) and tiring grad ceremony, mom was like lets go eat tapas @ swissotel the stamford! yeah, wonderful, i went home to change first and when we got there, she casually pointed out where we were to eat tapas - new asian bar. hey im underage! oO

usher: how old is your daughter?
mom: er, 15!
me: -undertone- certainly not 18
usher: im sorry she cant go into the bar.
mom: im with her whad.
usher: nono im sorry -sheepish grin-

so wound up @ equinox on 70th floor, just one away from NAB (which was having their exclusive spanish dance night) and munched on lamb (sin! this is my second time this month ohnoes) and foie gras (swoon) while listening to the beats from upstairs. whoa hey was quite fun, given that e bar played recently released (give or take 3 months) songs (madonna, justin timberlake's sexy back, snow patrol's chasing cars :)!, bep's my humps, etc) and sometimes, the crowd in there juz joined in with loads of raucous singing. from equinox can see half of spore i bet, only kuz of something called smoky haze, you could only distinctly make out uob's symbol in e distance.

whee philips craig & dean make a very nice singing group! although hillsong united, chris tomlin and red rain are still my personal faves, but am careening towards all singers in general. parachute band concert in about 14 days! (which means 16 to new zealand I HAVENT PACKED!) hoho love worship songs! :)

hahaha time to be judgemental, but honestly, korean is a nicer language than japanese! its more melodious, more smooth flowing, and a tad bit gentler. compare the two languages' word for 'yes' - in japanese, its like 'aso!' (usually pronounced upon entirely, with a pretty loud volume and accompanied with a huge bow) while in korean, its 'yeea' (said softly, with a polite nod of e head) japs are noticeably more enthusiastic & hyper when talking!

english: thank you. korean: kamsa-hamnida. japanese: ARIGATO! lol maybe ive watched too much daejanggeum, where half e time tis janggeum speaking, and well, she's exceptionally demure. but nevermind! still love korean language! meanwhiles am killing the holidays now watching goong on youtube (e episodes i missed) and school rumble (season 2 left to go). HOHOHO just realised - jap vs korea!

stuff like ih proposal and litsem are keeping me on my toes at present. and gosh, there's an entirely undo-able math olympiad practice thing my t-teacher left for me to do, dont plan to do it yet. not till half an hour before she comes, anyways! i think i need gloria's help! =D
wuh. my anatomy went down e drain yesterday - HORRIBLE STOMACH PAIN! ): either i slept e wrong way, ate e wrong food, or too little, or just simply _________ but anyways was like cannot take it! thought it was gastric at first, so i downed one puff, one bun and cups of juice, but it got worse. couldnt move without feeling excalibur swinging around under my skin =X

so. dedication. a gazillion thanks for coming over voluntarily with a hotpink tissue box, praying, cracking jokes to induce laughter. basically doing everything you could :) and sacrificing computer time hoho =D was muttering away about indignities of seeing me bawling, but after what you did with prayer, was much better. prayers work. & yes, in e end, you still knew exactly what to do despite what you said! even though it took yeh quite some time before you realised something was wrong (but thats okay!) meanwhiles i realise you were all squashed up in e korner of the sofa hahaha apologises! at least you got to watch baby spidies ala deadly love! -shudder!-

princess hours addiction! tis a pity there are only 32 episodes on channel U, and worst thing is, the series will be done when im in newzealand so. youtube here i come! hohoho yeah the protagonist is the chioest, not min xiao lin! and dont really like the two male leads, although the cousin is considerably more admirable than his colder cousin aka e crown prince!

meanwhiles there's ih and litsem to do before jass jumps and mr lee freaks out completely. whoo~ ldp starting soon! gladderness. shall take a breather before e grad cerems later tonight =) & ohnoes! alena's cds! ALENA! do you want concertos, quartets, blahblahblah all that weird strange sounding stuff about piano haha! GUITAR!
hoho mom informed me yesterday that she'd ship us off to the three gorges in chongqing on friday, but she just called to say the ship she booked aint free up on e days we're there, so she'll probably postpone the shipping-us-off-to-other-places :) with the exception of the upcoming 2-weeks-in-new zealand trip, am pretty much happy! call me crazy (as yingming did) but am getting sick of travelling around when ive got stuff to do, and juz wanna sit at home shake legs and stare at e pool longingly.

which reminds me, now cannot pon sec 4 grad ceremony already. and can check SA marks on monday. AND can watch world trade centre on saturday. maybe even a trip to vivo city. and oh yes, the 2000-word thesis for litsem, plus prepping, and organising the post-exam charity work alena yingming and i aim to do. sometime soon, at least! =) life's good.

yo 310 we rawk the hopscotch floor and kill e dust off 308's ceiling! whee we've been playing the very kinder game of hopscotch for e past few days, when ronnie came up with the brilliant idea of using the cement floor of our esteemed classroom as a drawing board - she draweth a hopscotch grid on the floor with white chalk! and thusly provided our class with five hours of entertainment! meanwhiles ive come away with a blueblack on left knee, a problem with sitting on me arse (PAIN!) and the awful knowledge and reminder that my standing broad jump sucketh. and, erzi's groin hurts. badly :)

plus i have a ton load of incriminating pictures to blackmail with. including several of calvin lee with the hopscotch-crown-cum-hairband-with-balloon-clipper and being an absolute poser. shock! oO

=X alena and i suck at intellectual conversations. her gracious attempt to start a convo on beauty lies in the eyes of e beholder wound up and deflated into another barrage of infidelity accusations. new year resolution(s) : be righteous! quit being a totally spoilt ass. always consider others first. PUNCTUALITY! exercise patience self control and whatnot! :) and be intellectual. AND today i shall have to dig around for alena's cds.

the bonzai tree outside the living room reminds one of good ol' treebeard from the two towers. except this one's covered in ants sucking away at its nectar. random~

5 nov! parachute band concert! at lighthouse evangelism! =D
hoho returned from KL! was veh fun, mommy repeated a couple of times that i'd succeeded in emptying her wallet and rendering her wallet-bankrupt save for the lovely amex citibank dbs and whatnot haha! and the weather isnt any better there, the haze is so thick, you cant see the lights twinkling from the petronas twin towers at night, even from the 14th floor of the JW marriott =|

bought my nalgene yellow-orange bottle, super ex from high sierra. haha davidhan was like dont buy the metal suisse ones kuz we're gonna use these bottles for hotwaterbottles at night, and if youre gonna store hot water in METAL, well you know what! :) veh amused. hope sabrina will follow our group! anything but megabimboh shirley wong anyways! ohwells. klcc is huge and the k residence opposite's building up really well, much to mom's glee. yes, glee.

ALENA! i shall sacrifice half an hour sometime soon poking around the cupboards in my house looking for classical cds, the ones you wanted anyway, about trios and what? sonatas? no wait thats wrong -checks alena's blog- hahahaha but yeah. shall poke out some bizet carmen and hahaha our best friend mozart. who started jamming the keys from age three! :) oh love.

heh all our grades came back! am over the big white moon that all 3 sciences scored A1 grades, especially biology (comes when your mom scored tops in high school can!) and chemistry (cough the one science i have chemistry with and connect with automatically somehows!). but could've scored higher for pheeseeks if not for crappy carelessness! but am disappointed with math chinese and ih - 68 62 and er, 56 respectively! ): eeks i lost 10 marks in math due to carelessness. AND chinese and ih. must practice! part of my 07 new year resolution hoho! meanwhiles shall be cheerful. mom didnt make a fuss over e awful subjects, just said ha see why you never read the chinese books or papers!? subscribe for what! :)

and lol this is just another one of those quizzes. been tagged by yingming! two of them! :| MUTTER


- 5 years ago I (was)
1. not even a decade old
2. donating soft toys AND dolls (barbie, cough)
3. in P3 mainstream
4. cuter (oh yeah)
5. more freaked out by dark environments

- 5 snacks which i enjoy
1. cadbury or lindt chocolate
2. japanese seaweed
3. haagen daz or gelato! from paragon
4. peanut butter sandwich
5. CAKE (any kind goes)

- 5 songs which i know all the lyrics
1. since you been gone - kelly clarkson
2. here i am to worship - hillsong
3. one way - hillsong
4. unfaithful - rihanna
5. cant hate you anymore - nick lachey (kinda!)

- 5 things i would do if i had a million dollars
1. donate half to charity!
2. dish out to family
3. save a bit in bank
4. use a bit to shop around for essentials and wants
5. fly to antarctic and talk to penguins

- 5 places i would runaway to
1. queenstown, new zealand
2. pluto the planet! (abit cold, must pack sweaters)
3. jw marriott phuket
4. some lovely exotic beach
5. lothlorien (watch lotr to know this)

- 5 things i will never wear
1. striped shirts
2. sari (cant pull it off)
3. bikineh
4. cheongsam (cant pull this one off either)
5. guy's business suit (but can wear guy's long sleeved shirt!)

- 5 bad habits
1. something called prokrastinashun
2. overeating apples (i know, fruits, but still)
3. sensitive soul
4. spoilt brat
5. sleeping late, and entirely forgoing quiet time! ):

- 5 biggest joys
1. talking stuff and ranting away to momma
2. playing sports or with dawg march
4. hanging with family (both home and skool)
5. GOING TO CHURCH! (whenever)

- 5 famous people i'd date
1. a younger jude law? :D
2. a younger jijinhee (minjioho from daejanggeum but he's married. no adultery!)
3. imadori from skool rumble had he not been such an arse of a playboy
4. the one!
5. er, prince harry in soldier's uniform?

- 5 people to do this quiz
1. alena one!
2. sarah cheang!
3. leeqi
4. suxiang
5. er, you?

(why so little people use blogspot harhs!)

01. cried: no! not even over a failing grade namely IH. cough.
02. worn jeans: no, not nowadays. mostly skirts. or pants. shorts.
03. met someone: um yeah, latest was malu the maid.
04. done laundry: NO
05. went hungry: no, moment i hungry call for apple whad
06. talked on phone: yes to mom about ih.
07. said i love you: dont think so. wink.

08. yourself: yeah. believe and you'll be rewarded hoho!
09. your friends: yes.
10. tooth fairy: uh no. unhygienic to put tooth under pillow.
11. destiny/fate: sometimes.
13. UFO: i dunno. watching ET has addled me.

14. do you ever wished you had another name: no, mom wanted chloe. gasp.
15. do you like anyone: :) :) :)
16. which of your friends acts most like you: naw, special what!
17. when you cried the most who was there: alena, jasmine and cheronne (scolding by nah)
18. what's the best feeling in the world: THAT EXAMS ARE OVER.
19. what's the worst feeling in the world: finding out you missed A1 by 1 mark haha
20. what time is it now: 1736 HRS

21. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate (CHOCOLATISM!)
22. coke or pepsi: pepsi
23. love or lust: LOVE. spread it.

Layer four: Your Pick
Mac or KFC: Mac
single or group dates: both also can larh!
Adidas or Nike: adidas.
Lipton tea or Nestea: dont like tea. esp chrysanthemum.
cappucino or coffee: I HATE CAFFEINE. COFFEE. THE WORKS.
Layer five: Do You
smoke: not over my alive or dead body, no.
curse: try not to
take a shower: oh yeah like i totally dont.
have a crush: not exactly.
think you've been in love: perhaps love! :)
like school: sometimes
want to get married: someday sometime somewhere.
believe in yourself: yes
think you're a health freak: sometimes, esp apple days
Layer six ;; In The Past Months
drank alchohol: last time was red wine at richard's - got drunk. abit.
gone to the mall: YES! KLCC!
been on stage: naw.
eaten sushi: YES YES YES! god i love that thang.
been dumped: nope. aint started out either.
gone skating: sadly no.
dyed your hair: no i insist on retaining my jet black color.
Layer seven ;; Have You Ever
played a stripping game: no, saw :)
changed who you were to fit in: occasionally.
Layer eight ;; Getting old
age you're hopping to get married: 25 or 26 HOHO under ten years anyway
i love: everyone.
i feel: emo, am watching korean drama.
i hide: and seek.
i miss: someone.
i need: to improve chinese ASDFGHJKL

7 people you would like them to do:

1. alena
2. sarah cheang
3. jasmine
4. leeqi
5. suxiang
6. seetow
7. ryan

am tired.
heres the lesson i koped from a friend, which i promised to replace up here for the good sake of fellow christians! :) havent gotten the copyright permission yet though oops!

Why should we Put God first?

Well He is the source of all life and by Him all things are held together. When you do not seek God and put Him first in your life and on the throne in your heart, chances are your life will be in a mess. God is Order and Life. Without Him there will be NO order or life! Your life will start spiraling down and down. Reemeber that we are created by our Father. Compare us to clocks or any other electronic devices. When we are plugged in to the Source of energy we can work and function well. But take away that source and we start running on our own batteries. Even though we can still run well for a certain period of time, without that source of energy we will start to break down...and veer from our purposes.

When you are filled with the Spirit and know God's purpose you feel this boundless energy in you, this flame that seems it will never go out. You feel like you can run, jump and leap forever. You feel like you would never ever let go of God and that you would love Him forever and ever. However if you do not continue to do His will and obey Him you unplug yourself from Him and the fire fades very very quickly. So it's very important to cultivate a habit of having Christ first in your life. For it's not you that lives but Christ that lives in you now.

And in any case God put your first when He died for us on the cross. You were always on His mind when He suffered for us. Yes, we are the reason He did that.So I think it is fitting and worth it to love Him back because He first loved us. :)

How Do We Put God First?

Well, in Mat 22:36- Jesus told us that the greatest comandment was to Love God with all your Heart, Soul and Mind so i figured that if we loved God that would mean we would automatically put Him first :) It makes sense because whenever you are in love with a person you would always try to put that person first and do all you can to please the other and that one person would be continously on your mind hahahaha. Yep so when you love God you will find it much easier to put God first.

We put God first whenever we let Christ live through us. In Romans 12:1-2 the Bible says we should live a life of worship by doing everything that is right in God's sight. And I think that would please God right? :D

The key is to love God and be willing to be obedient for Him.

Sticking to your Quiet Time faithfully is one very good example.

But There is so Many Other Things to DO!!!

Yeah and I'm glad Christ didn't say that when He knew He had to go on the cross for you. Lol ah well. The thing is, there will ALWAYS be something else to do! Whenever you do something, you give up something else to do it."Give up my studies???" You exclaim in horror? Personally I don't think you just study, sleep and eat. For me, a major block of time went to playing computer games and chatting on the internet. So yeah that's where i made time for Quiet Time and Church activities and i must say I'm the healthier for it. Live a balanced life of God, work and play. But always put God first.However there will always come a time where you will have to choose between doing your homework or doing your Quiet Time...All i can say is do your Quiet Time first then your homework.

You might think I am nuts but whenever you put God first in spite of all your troubles and believe and cast your cares upon Him, He will honour you. It's strange but whenever i made this decision (I thought i was nuts too) I became much more productive and focused on my work =D It's strange but the maxim holds true "Take care of God's business and He will take care of your's"

Another problem is one of distraction. People think that seeking God is boring. They have never sought God properly then. It's a real adventure, not knowing how He would bless you or teach you the next day! The problem is, people think that so many other things besides God are so much more worthwhile or interesting to pursue...But as king Solomon said when he went on that path, It's like chasing after the wind, trying to catch something that does not exist. If you don't put God first you will find yourself flitting from one want to another, never settling, never satisfied pursuing an illusive dream.

All i can offer is encouragement. When you surrender your concerns to God and make a commitment to put Him first in your life God WILL honour you, trust me. Or rather Trust Him. Then just presson and be commited to Him and watch the blessings flow!

G'night all and grow in the Lord. Remember that You are first in His life.

Hold on to this Verse: "But seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all all these things will be given to you as well." (Mat 6:33)


hoho and this random personality test i did thanks to lynette, rather interesting results! its an enneagram personality test! can take on personalityonline dotcom! :) 180 questions btw, but if youre not distracted at all, youll finish in under 10 minutes! otherwise it takes half hr :)

*Nine: Mediator, Peacemaker, Preservationist - Nines are ruled by their empathy. At their best they are perceptive, receptive, gentle, calming and at peace with the world. On the other hand, they prefer to dissociate from conflicts and indifferently go along with others' wishes or simply withdraw, acting via inaction. They fear the conflict caused by their ability to simultaneously understand opposing points of view and seek peace of mind above all else. The corresponding "deadly sin" of the Nine is Sloth, while the Nine's "holy idea" or essence is Holy Love. Under stress, Nines express qualities of the Six, and when flourishing, they express qualities of the Three.

for other number meanings go check out enneagrams on wikipedia!

ohnoes so much for thinking the post exams period would be all sweet and smooth. not when, you wake up in e morn thinking youve gotta study moments, and then realise that the physics exam is actually over. then the grin - and, OH NO WHAT AM I GONNA DO FOR TODAY. guh. shall find a way to kill the rest of the year, before i begin killing myself camping out in the living room watching dvds and playing around with laptop hoho!

alena i still think your aspiration to sleep early throughout next year will die! hahaha although it'll probably still go beyond 12 mn COUGH it wont surpass 3! or 4! although jiayou and even if youre gonna spend your 16-y'old life playing piano, dont forget to takkabrake once in a while! and continue with your guzheng and perform one day hahaha :)

hoho which reminds me this morning supposed to wake up @ 8 to go marketing with malu. but last night fell asleep in e living room @ about 4 plus watching daejanggeum and school rumble and downloading songs! and thusforth woke up at 10 to find meself on the x-recliner with all the doors of the living room open ohmygawsh :| and dragged myself to farrer market, where i think i saw somebody who looked ever so vaguely like de rato! the spanish imf chief! but dont think its him, he'd be busy wondering about nkorea nukes rather than contemplating the possibilities of garoupa tasting nicer than codfish at the uncle's stall.

then after that went for the banana date veh tastily fun! alena bought us banana muffins and we visited the library@esplanade for banana milkshake and banana caramel ice blend! gosh e chinese locals around us were speaking in such amazingly angmoh english that i thought they were angmohs till ahleenah told me to check em out. yes, ahleenah! :) hoho then bras basah to tecman christian bookstore! finally bought ryan's birthday presents (christian plaque about psalms and four christian cards) , and FINALLY, a
devotional !

oh gawsh delighted! oh and a DOA magnet with holly valance for tiffany, kuz she loves doa! :) lynette got lost again hohoho not the first time right vpek! whee.

whee i still have to buy yingming yuechin lynette malu march and somebody-else-cant-rmbr's birthday presents! gonna be bankrupt manz so this is why we teens should be allowed to start work even at 14 or 15! instead of at least 16! shiat have to wait till end of 07 can! barf. am still VERY amused that lynette wrote _ _ _ _ instead of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the bio exam! (hath a point in not writing anything here, if youre eating twill cause green faces)

so how to spend rest of hols harh! asdfghjkl

hahahahaha see the enthusiasm! :) gosh its like during this final lap today before e exam i was praying away and thinking like ohmygawsh the practice papers were so freaking hard - BUT I CANT FAIL FEESEEKS. hohoho after alena's do-one-question-checkanswer-erase theory, the pain does rub in a little. but all's good and guided, and the feeseeks rawked! :) lovely end to horrible episodes.

hohoho msng and i were laughing when tanchikleng gave the pre exam speech and she suggested that he should tape his own voice and the skool should use it as a prototype in e future! very viable suggestion! plus his voice is sooo distinctive! :)

hmmm we celebrated with taj mahal prata and lime juice and traipsing up and down mrts, buses, orchard road (!) and whatnot. hohoho stoned while listening to cher, aleale (hahaha! pronounced "ah-leh-ah-leh") and erzi rattle on about america's next top model, kuz i never watched! ): might soon! if they play reruns. but mostly proj runway, kuz i love heidi klum more than tyra banks. (stupid reason but yeah anyways) AND HAHAHA YINGMING YOU UNDERESTIMATED ME. i got home safely using public transport! :) 171 then dieded in e hawt sun climbing up e hill. partly kuz i was racing the postman up. his bike sputtered and died along e way, so i gained a few ten-metres, and by e time i got to me house:

maid: you walk home again right!
me: uh yeah. i mean, i juz dropped from e skybus, yaknow?
maid: wahlau (some people pick up funny things) you look like e beetroot i put in your mothers drink!
me: ... thanks for telling me! i can kind of feel it! (was radiating infrared waves i could have relied on to answer physics questions today)
maid: -starts tutting away-

watched great expectations today. gwyneth paltrow! (she seems to like nudity) twas e version that e teachers showed us during langarts tuesday lecture, juz that they craftily stopped before the estella-frenches-pip-at-water-fountain scene :) but hahahaha overall e show was nice and i like robert di niro now hahahaha even if he is an old fogey. but someday we're all gonna be 80 and withered anyway so whatever. HOHO ETHAN HAWKE. i briefly understood alena's shortterm infidelity regarding ethan. then i didnt! heh.

OKAY TOMORROW NIGHT - am going to start searching for a children's place that alena yingming and i can go to now that the exams are OVERR. so we can help the little kids, help them with life work and stuff. and plus, yingming and i have to go to the old folks place - thongkeng @ toa payoh to do our nyaa before we officially die when khoo comes to murder. YAY lovelove kids! and helping kids! little joys of e earth running on twiggy legs! :)

meanwhiles, have litsem proposal, new zealand policy research, ldp checking on 12 oct on my agenda. AND EXAMS JUST FINISHED! ohnoes mr lee wants the really overdue litsem proposal by monday. which was yesterday. OHNO. shall have to work on it tmr. push myself to do tmr :| scratch-head. whee and my date with the living room and couch potato habits shall extend thru out e next three months.

am debating whether or not to hold halloween party. hohohoho rmbr claire and yingming doing e prankcalling thing! and e random guys (family friends) playing violin somewhere in e house! although hahahahaha am in high spirits cant put any words coherently together right now! sober! -

keisha castle hughes got pregnant with her boyfriend bradley hull! am shocked, positively mortified can! she was only 16, he was only 19! like i squealed to ronnie, i dunno if its newzealand's way of antibirthcontrol but yeah! its disturbing! she seemed so naive in whale rider! hahaha we kept calling her paikia! but yeah. 16 is still too young! (hohoho i sound like some conservative-ist but i stand to that view) barely legal! guh. well at least she chose somebody 3 years older than herself.

meanwhiles have been taught really important and refreshing lessons about christianity by multi-provider-friend! and no, i read what you told me about, and youre not weak, not the you now here and today, anyway. and cheerio, youve been a good christian peer, dont keep saying otherwise! :) am waiting for permission to upload what you intended to teach me one year ago here, kuz i think its important that many christian fellows see it, it really applies :)

& hath juz receiveth first birthday present from a family friend! panasonic lumix camera! yay! :) meanwhiles mommy is going to kuala lumpur tomorrow for her aesthetic surgery course, and ditching me at home again (ha i opted for it) so this thursday got banana-date with alena hohoho where we find all things banana friendly! whoopee! and then 12 oct also have new zealand talk @ 5 where parents are supposed to go, or at least somebody's supposed to be there with you somehow, but im GOING ALONE kuz mom's in kl :( and heh, im taking unaccompanied minor flight alone again to kl on e 14th and returning 15th night. we're gonna do some seryous shopping harnay! :)
quotes m-sng - 4 more days to nonstop play. to which i add - and freedom and peace and all else that mattered in the whurld. in four days time, tis e end of all things. :) hahahaha i thought the language papers were like really weird. but chem and bio, e ones i freaked out the most over, were absoloot rawkass fun. and quite easy to do generally. i love meryl streep's quote: its good to be unprepared. cos when you think youre ready, youre not.

hahahaha spent my whole time after orchard @ 3 till 8 plus plus today tutoring tiffany for geography! and we kept randomly laughing over the silliest stuff, like acting like lian and beng on my balcony and pacing up and down talking about igneous rocks while trying to absorb the specific measurement abilities of micrometer screw gauges and vernier calipers and examining horrigible sec one marks and listening to glare somebody fretting over a 70% which was apparently TOO LOWE. :|

secret garden sounds so good on piano! and macbeth! im forcing you to play that song on my birthday party day hahahahaha. although it sounds too cheery and hopskipjump (abrasion, corrasion?) for a deepdark thing like macbeth, tis still a lovely song. and yes, am getting a bit wound up of hearing high skool musicale everywhere i go :) & hoho carried augustus for e first time today! was incredibly fun! i like his weight, sits on my arm quite well. although after a bit he started struggling ): ohwell! better luck next time!

hohoho am currently watching school rumble (or skool rumbull) 12 on youtube and dying. he who introduced it should be feeling really guilty right now, especially if my physics dies out totally. but yeah, tis fun to watch! esp since the cooking episode that you started me with. now im hooked and i know you owe me the dvds! hahaha thanks for that. and which reminds me, i have plentaye of dvds to watch once eoys are over! ha. im beginning with great expectations (gwyneth paltrow + RA21) and ending with spiderman 2? yeah weird choice to end with. but thats like 15 dvds later. i wanna watch the interpreter again (nicole kidman and sean penn!) and this oldie with sean connery. oh and de lovely. ashley judd! whee!

now, regarding alena's total infidelity - yeah whatever. love the subjects more, harnay, go on. hahahaha (as i just told you) youre forgiven for straying to taiwanese boybands. kuz ooh the hyawte farenheit picture in life today was much eye candy. although at e end of e day, youre right about nobrainers and besides, they do look abittybitbit too feminine. but still. hahaha lets go candy shopping once eoys are truly over, for you&me!

am choosing random disgusting looking pastel colours.

meanwhiles, anorexia or bulimia is a bad thing and there is NOTHING wrong with eating as much as your heart permits. nobody said anything about bod. mean okay, look at e pictures of nicole richie in e life! section today. she's wearing a bikini when she doesnt have much meat left on her! and her size progressively shrank since simple life 2! she's like from fluffy pettable huggable bunny rabbit and all to uber thin uber bony waif of a girl. OH WHY. and the models! bleck.

& shocknhorror lindsay lohan is pregnant. reminds one of britnaye spears of babyhitmeonemoretime! fame. 22 and sporting 2 babies. lindsay is 20? and hahahaha i support kate winslet! randomly, kuz she loves food and wont hesitate. maybe some limits are put in place, thats normal, but she doesnt go about saying OHMYGAWSH I ATE A 52 CALORIE BANANA THUS BREAKING MY 6 DAY FAST IN ONE DAY OHMYGAWSH. (quote life!) kuz life (as in, life, real life) doesnt work like that honey.

again, four more days to all the inpouring of the joys of our lives. for nyites, at least.

these feelings i want to tell you are so heavy
at this rate i'll be flattened down
so many feelings i cant express into words
it just wont reach, to that special person
this short but very far distance
the sky is always blue
but you just cant keep staring at it
round and round, spinning round and round
you who always pretend to be tottering
i just wanna jump on your chest
round and round spinning round and round
i am drifting above the clouds again today!
school rumble :)
she's jayne with a Y, a Christian in Barker Road Methodist Church. turns 18 on 19 DEC 09 (promise nobody will die in the hands of my driving). Currently in 6.14 JOPPA, ACS(I) IB, and a very short while away from taking her IBDP examinations *AHHHH*. will always deeply love GOD, retail therapy (!), food and FRIENDS. & nth charms like CHRISTMAS <3

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