in what will probably be my last post of this month (:

yeh know how people meditate over all th shizz theyve been doing and start rethinking stuff over? so i figured if im going t make th cut this year, and do better - like pulling up chinese grades and stuff, im gna hv to start focusing.

so time to set th rules -

1. time to prioritise work over all my usual rubbish
- this means no mre towning on random days of th week
- no more parties on weekend or tea on saturday
- only if its during th hols i can relax a bit mre

2. focus focus focus - dont deviate
- if msn is too distracting, get off & if phone, throw it away.
- if i want t watch MTV or movies, only after ive done work
- study consistently fr an hour or so for productivity

3. new year resolution 07 revivo
- sleep earlier, like by midnight (yea, beauty sleep :D)
- wake up earlier, go to sch earlier, eat normal breakfasts
- dont drop dead fr 1 - 3 hours at home aft sch

4. restrictions
- no going out unless absolutely necessary
- but dont throw away get fat days kuz theyre darnedly lush. besides - :D

5. not forgetting rest and joy
- love th buddays and
- take little 15 min jaunters in between homework & revision
- still chitter away to alena on msn at night while during work bt still FOCUSE.

of course i wont forget t hang out during th hols and stuff. parties, events and whutnot. and yes, like ive just told alena, all this will help if i choose to apply to CTC in th end.

i shall redo my room during th june hols too. print out all those gorgeouso pictures and stuff.
grans gt me th most lovely pair of bedroom slippers. theyre brown w yellow orange chrome and white highlights, and delightfully fluffy. like my carpet. wiggling toes syndrome starts (: only thing theyre kinda noisy. so whn i walk around its like sme weird slk-slk sound. how do you describe sounds? haha. anyways ive gt a kool grans.

and im pretty relieved this thunderous first week of school is over. trouble and tempers much :/ shall not elaborate. cause ive alr done so before! haha.

hmm long stories. friday - was soooo deliciously good. aft th ldp meeting i mean (: haha. cause had dinner at out of th pan bistro/cafe @ raffles city. and i had this vegetable crepe (cause crepe is all they sell) which was really nice, and sme purple lettuce thing (which made mom and alena, i suspect, positively happy) and fr dessert - pandan crepe w durian dressing. okay fr yeh durian haters out thr, pft! haha this crepe owns it all. and th durian sauce (actually just really soft durian flesh) was heavenly too.

donut shop was closed ): so my plan t treat a certain sparkly eyed alena was busted even fore it began. mom wanted t window shop and watch th ecoluxe 07 fashion show previews so we hung around til really late. coach has a lovely spring/summer 07 collection.

anyhoos. sat was boring, was supposed t go for some tea thing at halia and a club 21 bazaar! (read: dolce, LV and A|X) bt sth cropped up and mom was really annoyed we had t miss tea. and i was annoyed abt th bazaar (bt mom wasnt kuz she didnt want t empty her wallet again) and anyways my saturday off-shopping is still in place so. arrrr. th power of th rents. fell asleep a dozen times during math trng in th morn cause i slept in th morn. at six or so :/ blame me fr coming home late and starting late. and drifting off frm 2 to 4 plus. pft.

sunday (now yesterday) - no taxi fares kuz mom had t see a patient. so she dropped me off at barker. anyhoos th three of us were really late :/ and lost my way so collin had t take me t sunday class - it was my second time going fr it. and fr sme reason all th girls in class disappeared. left steph & i. bt we dont really talk, forgive me fr being a hopeless beeyatch bt yes. maybe i should just look over things ive heard, and know :/ haha shem is like an emokid - black manicures.

haha its so funny. coll jul & i all wound up somehow for lunch at paragon, then shopping at wisma and taka. mom wanted t repair her chanel handbag so now its gne off t france til september, and we were looking at th new collection and commented on how we didnt really like it - til she rmbred she had one brand new piece alr -.- so now shes gna start t use tht one. its a lovely black tote (: their shades are so much love.

had a looooooonnnnnnnngggg walk frm home t botanics concert, then t coro and back armed w a lime sherbet frm th garden kiosk (: lovely. mom was being esp funny tday, dunno whut gt her, esp aft she gt fever frm ytds jog. maybe fever gives endorphins secretly haha. anyways. she just ripped me apart laughing. and we bought a big fat violet meringue frm gastronomia cafe! :D im soo gna buy my lunches frm thr frm now on. haha yeaaaa.

oh and mom now wnts t send me t university of new south wales here in singapore if i dont go t ctc or ac ib. ahhhh. nus nus nus (: nvm its still my choice so i own that. i definitely need t start sme serious deep thinking though. and yeh know, i swear i could kill lynette. shes disappearing fr nearly th whole of june hols - to england norway denmark estonia (?!) russia finland sweden and germany. if tht isnt pure joy and astronomically lucky thn i dont know what is?
mm so school started (: term two. haha its great t be back in class again, we can fool around and all w ea other all over again. or be fooled around with. anyway my pet ant which wound its way into my bottle, and nearly got ingested, finally got out and goodness its so fortunate i didnt shriek :/ sorry to classes below us who were wondering why there was rain about 2 cm squared coming from above. haha.

time t get a new baby pink adidas bottle hahaha :D or th peachy red colour. listen, tht pink is not thaaat pink, so dont kill me. anyways. first day was interesting, first time i actually cared zilch but cared alot about what teachers said. zilch cause i really dont give hoots about nah frowning and groaning during chem, or cao complaining about lack of attention given :D but i do care about trying t get chinese and math grades up. haha. and sarah didnt believe me when i said i got like 1 for th math quiz (which was upon 12) and omg tan boon hean. shall nv fall asleep in physics again :/

oh and. education system breeds elitism? (: hella yeah. anyhoos speaking of which, uwc won th arena debate ytd and i suspect theyll be th final winners. unless hwachong really whacks them up or whutever. as in seriously. they are stronger than good :/ and ive alot t say t cristabelle about her seniors next time i see her.

and my whole point was - is back t thinking about shifting out of school here. i dont know, really. its a pretty tough choice. i quite like th cambridge tutors college program, which mom plans t send me for in june or so if i agree to. seriously, everyone she spoke to, all family friends, tutors whatever all recommend i go thr :/ bt its so strange, thts th thing. if i go ill be gone til o9, unless i go t a foreign uni like cams, then i wont even see spore til like - 2015? and im gna be 24 by then. even so, we might wna migrate. haha ive spoken about this before, bt th weekend was th first time it was discussed so seriously.

and dang. absolutely love talking t my tutors, its quite fun, aside from deviating from work hahaha :D bt really, they tell really interesting stuff. and advice. and today mdm kwan and i went crazy laughing over what would happen if mom let me go running alone and i was captured and taken away then itd be like really pao diao (! chinese) D: and other crazy things. aghh admit it i just like talking t adults quite alot.

oh and. lovely - caught up w one person ive missed talking to alot - princess tiffany (: haha cause last year we used to see ea other 4 times a week, and talk ea of those times. bt this year she has syf and ive got a strange week w too many townings, so i hardly see her (at night, like obv no) in fact i only saw her 5 times this year, and spoke to her thrice over teh tarik tea. yaaaaaaggghhh ): no shizz. my neighbour!

well anyways. phototaking was fun cause we were so crazy. haha pity vanda and i didnt butt up th cam like we planned to. kudos to charissa and michh who did it though. cam guys gna see two white humps in th photo hahaha :D and we were like shake your moneymaker and during first break, my milkshake brings all th boys to th yard renditions by yingming hahahaha :D

love actually on monday! possibly (:

one explanatory word: ahhhhhhhh.
haha. i absolutely love blake lewis and his beatboxin on AI5 (or 6) and melinda doolittle for th gals! (:
and oliverrrr jamesssssss! its rekindling from 3 years back. amsuchafan.

all i ask of youuuuuuu!
okay i decided its way too boring to wait until i decorate here with lifeskills photos, before blanching other stuff. anyways theyre alr like, up on shutterfly. sooo easy weasy. shall speak others first (: hoyeah.

haha anyways lsc was fun (: great fun while it lasted. all th primpin and preenin, all th practicing funny stuff (like standing up and sitting down! HAHA :D) and hella everyth. photowhoring in front of mirrors, with ourselves, whatever. and mosties of all, th dinner, walkin AND th dance (: haha sarah and joanna and alena we loveee you forever for doing choreo and music syncing and all of it. yay tht we got class moste graciouse, too :D haha damn we have cute colorful (toefinger? toefie) socks waiting for us in class. no, sorry, moste graciouse class. 410! why are we so pro! (: HAHA

and yes even though i spent a day (or two) feeling rather shiite, bt nvm about that. thank God i never clicked out or anyth, worse, t have audrey ting (yes, camp commandant and our daddy dearest lang arts teacher) send me home or sth like that. anyway mom was smart and said i told you so. haha. guess it wasnt like i wasnt expecting fever, its always an aftermath t my sore throats :/ my system doesnt behave. anyway thanks yingming and alena sweet (: for helping and wellyouknowit. still love strepsils and panadol more though. HAHA kidding. muah muah!

OHNO. i havent read julius caesar. roman politics? ew. good reading fun? kinda yay. oh and my voice is officially back, my fever is gone (long time ago) still have a phantom of a cough. but hella hella. im good enough t play tennis. which i did today. and dang. now i know why coll had that reaction whn i said i was under coach michael wie (as well) :/ cause coachie gt kinda pissed today kuz i was totally out of shape. haha missed last week kuz i was ill, and two weeks before kuz HE was away. so played pretty shizz. my fault, shoulda practised when he was away. anyhoo im gna start jogging around t tanglin again! (: whoopeedoodah-ah.

say you love me every waking moment,
ROW FF SEATS 55 & 56

sorry alena im not going myself after all, if i ever did tell you that, and my plan to join you if so. persuaded mom to come along in th end, cause she hinted that she wanted t watch, but later started guarding it with several i watched it alr so nvm. so just made her come and see it since its here anyway. but i hope its th british version cause she says she will sell her ticket if its australian cast. no racism, but she just likes broadway sooo muchh.

anyway. gta ask tiffany when shes going, kuz i know she is. haha. she wanted us t go on same day oopsie. maybe we will be lucky? no? (: speaking of which, ryan's going away in like 3 years, was it migrating he/you (know you read, and blogs are meant t be wordy okay pooooey. so thr) said. one neighbour down. haha i can kidnap auggie or sth. kuz i have like these huge crushes on babies, any kind, any breed (; self confessed paedoooooodododo! haha! :D

and church today! whoopee mom decided i could spend th $$ on taxi fares, on more useful stuff (like Forever 21 chain necklaces) so she sent me today, but refused to stay for service ): anyhoo, was introduced t youth class tday. went for Shine Forth til th brothers came, and walked out :/ so i could go for sunday class. had no idea where sec fours went though, but found it eventually. there's one guy called shem, and another called - what? :D haha. anyway today was funny - they were discussing th Bible being a collection rather than a Book, and asked us questions, which we obviously knew how to answer, but as coll said - sian to answer.

and shem brought his 16 year old friend - and she looked more like 26. haha maybe 18. but 16?! anyhoo class was a bit strange after tht kuz steph caroline and amanda came in, too. and its really weird to see someone you know of in really uncomplimentary ways, right there behind you. esp if they just quit sizzlers a week before bics and were ragging away about it. ah anyway. promised shem i'd try t come regularly.

so far its looking up cause mom now lets me go church during sch term on condition i forfeit my saturday shopping. which makes sense cause i dont really need much else anyway, although it is a big love (: and ive got my new jeans, finally. anyhoo theres a huge loophole in tht, cause she still allows sunday towning and tea - yes it doesnt make sense at all. so much for working haha. bt nvm im not complaining! so yeah aft church before tennis today, slacked around at home watching falcon beach before heading off for afternoon tea.

oh and. sat was strange kuz it was such a big group. and i love starbucks choc frapp so much now haha (: this sounds so. ah nvm. haha. and history boys! we had a bit of trouble getting into th cinema, bt we did in th end so nvm (: ophe was 16 alr anyway, so boy, who were we cheating? nuh uh, nobody! (: thanks jass for julius caesar, he's reclining on my bed now. th book i mean. haha.

mama's giving me her merc limited edition watch! (: and she said i can ask misran (whatevers left of his time in service) t go replace th battery in my fossil so maybe i can use that when i get sick of using th merc. haha i probably wont. but its nice t switch around (: and im getting my swatch strap replaced. its crackin up like my mng bag which i just chucked by th way. thank goodness its arrived in spore alr from milan.

and yes. i will change my tagboard back to flooble. cause it melds in more with th skin than any other taggie (: shall keep cbox code somewhr, in case one day i feel strangely sentimental. and thinking of changing hotlink too. yeah baby (: taaaaa.
oh dont worry. prom photos up alr,
but will do some heavy editing later. (: for now. an ethnic quiz thing.
am lazy for now. dang i LOVE th dance floor. love it love it love it.

ethnic quiz thingum.

[ ] you drink a lot of tea.
[v] you know what a brolly is.
[ ] deal or no deal has taken over your life.
[who?] wanted ben to win x factor.
[v - for bugger only!] you use the word BUGGER or th phrase bloody hell.
[v] fish and chips are yummy.
[v] you can eat a full english breakfast
[?] you dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs
[ ] its futbol not soccer.

[v] you wear flip flops all year
[now i know] you call flipflops thongs not flip flops
[ ] you love a backyard barbie
[ ] you know a barbie is not a doll
[v - hell yeah] you love th beach.
[ ] sometimes you swear without realizing
[ ] youre a sports fanatic
[ ] you are tanned. -.-
[hogan] youre a bit of a bogan.
[v] you hv an australian sth (thong shirt phone sock name etc)

[ ] the sopranos is a great show
[ ] your last name ends in a vowel
[v] your grandmother or mother makes her own sauces
[v] you know how a real meatball tastes
[v] you know italian songs
[v] you have darkish hair
[v] you speak some italiano
[ ] you are under 5'10"
[v] pizza or spag is th best food in th world
[v] you talk with your hands

[ ] you say member instead of remember
[v - haha uno duo tres ] you speak spanish or some
[v] you like tacos
[ ] you know what a Puta is
[v] you talk fast
[v] you have had highlights or have dyed your hair
[ ] you know what platanos are.

[ ] you say villain as: Vee-lon
[v] you have more than one vodka bottle in your house
[ ] you know the difference between channel 1 and rtvi
[v - she no russian] you know of somebody named Natasha
[v] you dont get cold easily
[ ] you get into contests all the time.
[v] you can easily make do with the cold weather
[v] you eat sushi more than once a week
[ ] you love listening to trance

[v] your parents let you drink
[ ] you know what a pizda is
[ ] you have Pierogi at least once a week
[ ] yeople always ask to see your "kielbasa" checking if your Polish
[ ] people randomly call you their best friend
[ ] you have made/know what pisanki are
[ ] you laughed when Poland beat the USA in the 2002 world cup

[ ] you think beer is the best
[v - i swear] you have a bad temper
[ ] your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with a y, on, un, an,en, in, ry, ly, y.
[ ] You have blue or green eyes.
[vvv!] You like the color green.
[ ] you have been to a St. Pattys day party.
[a family friend though] you have a family member from Ireland.
[v] you have/had freckles.
[v] Your family get togethers always include drinking.

african american
[ ] you say nigga/nukka casually
[ ] you have/had nappy hair
[v] you like rap music.
[v] you like chicken
[ ] you like watermelon.
[v - not well doii] you can sing gospel
[ ] you smoke(d) newports

[ ] you have slanty/small eyes
[ ] you like rice a lot
[ ] you are good at math.
[v - long time ago :P] you have played the piano
[v - doii] You have family from Asia
[v] you laugh sometimes covering your mouth
[v- doii] most people think you're chinese.
[katrina] you call hurricanes typhoons
[ ] you go to Baulko
[ ] you play Handball more than once a week
[v - you will if youre from ny] you know what DDR is

[v] you like bread
[v] you think American Chocolate is good
[v] you speak some German
[ ] you know what Schnitzel is
[v] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi
[v] You went to Pre-school
[ ] You're over 5'10"

[v] you like to ride 4 wheeler
[ew.] You love beer
[v - EH! YOU!] you say eh
[ ] you know what poutine is
[ ] you speak some french
[ ] you love Tim Horton's
[ ] at one point you lived in a farm house
[ ] you watch/watched degrassi
[v] you play/ played hockey or watch it

[v] you like french toast
[v - sherlot!] you love wine
[v - really little :P] you speak a little or are fluent in french
[swore NOT to] you have eaten a snail
[v - LOVE it] you like fashion
[v] you have been to France
[ ] you are either a Catholic, a Muslim, a Protestant or a Jew.

[ ] you hate foreigners
[ ] you hate non - Christians
[v] you've been to more then 5 states
[ ] you're lazy
[v] you are not cultured
[v] you hate abortions
[ ] but LOVE the death penalty
[ ] you don't read
[ ] you shop at walmart (not all the time, just for some necessities)

[v] you're very loud
[ ] your family alone makes a small city
[dont!] you blast music Saturday morning to clean the house
[ ] you share a bathroom with 5 people
[ ] you say "open the light" instead of "turn on the light"
[ ] your parents came into this country illegally
[ ] your parents still don't have their Green Card after 15 years in the U.S.
[want to] you have to go to church every Sunday
[ ] you always have a "to go plate" when leavin from a party

whats russo-ita-ger-french called?
youre born in hella many many countries baby.
i dont know how i got the italian "blood" haha ;D nvm not complaining.
anyway. yay its called european - i like.

muah muah baby (: finally its MARCH! and march always means moolah, besides my cute furry ass of a dawg (: haha i think its cause of th hols and mom being mre thr to follow me around! or i follow her around to buy all her cosmetics (and siphon off some onto myself) and candles and Chanels and whatnot. (: she's a cc girl! and she always goes on about how she's named after coco chanel. hahaha!

so yeahh. lsc is next week. i gt fed up w th whole dang-whats-downtowneast-gna-look thing so i googled it out like any cyber ass would and gt out a few rather pretty pictures. better than what was implanted in my mind anyways (: th room looks rather nice and homely. i think i'll bring like scented candles and truckloadssssss of snacks so jo, cher (hahaha off council-csi duties for once) nikki and i can like eat th night away. so tht goes to my packing list as well. haha and marks and spencer maybe.

yay alena gt her dress alr! its a secret to uncover only next week! (: and boy i cant wait. and neither can my digital cam! haha! and thursday was so much fun cause sarah and i were crazy in townnnn (: just kept trying and switching and everyth. i like halters on her. and this whole fitting thing makes me realise i need to lose like fat D: anyway, we had potato salad at starbucks coffee aft tht which was D to th E to th L I C I O U S! hahaha! hit it fergie! oh boy i love club hits on th radio soooo muchhh.

oh and did i ever mention anyth about my cold getting better? cause it totally didnt! ): it went away on wednesday and came back on thurs and since then its been a rolling rolling rolling ball downhilllll! ): first my headache cleared then fever set itself on me again. and then sore throat. it went away w strepsils galore and mints and honey lemon, bt now its replaced by a horrible cough thts full of shizz and a v swollen larynx. mom says i hv viral sore throat. which translates into - i cant talk w-out sounding like a hoarse horse (no pun intended) and ive totally lost silkyvoice. its now sexy voice, as lovely yingming puts it. HAHA :D or no voice. pft.

anyways. today was our second -but-for-me-first (sounds like tht bah chorh mee thing or sth?) official film shoot for ldp! was rather fun - in tht i realised tkss has such a glammer uniform thn ny! i rather like it cause its green, looks intellectual (read: rjc twinnie) hahahaha :D and its gt white rollable sleeves. and i like it on a uniform. so today we were watching cheryl and boon etc acting. w a bit of shooting for us later on. th guys were doing this weird throw disc thing, all of us were doing this idol worship boon thing D: haha and chriz wanted me to do this modelpose thing solo at first but luckily someone suggested all th smu girls come in as well.

so four of us wound up assing th camera first, at th white board. and at th count of 3 we just turned around in a v canonlike kind of way. i was trying to do this lily cole thing hahaha :D cause we were supposed to act totally sailormoonish but i dontknow how to do tht! haha! and then we jumped. haha we skipped in th end bt nvm (: and i boomeranged this cd at andy bt it missed and nearly hit aaron instead haha poor poor cd.

and i was passing by this class roster thing in th classroom we were in and guess whose name i saw from 4H index no. 18 (: hahaha my dear jasmineeee teooo (aiping?!) ! damn i miss her. definitely cant wait for 16 march (: its a date for all of us to celebrate patricia's birthday as well. oh and cause i didnt know how to iron th tk uniform and didnt want to burn a hole in it like th way malu did mom's velvets, a guy had to do it hahaha :D

speaking of which. on friday th driver misplaced / (did sth to) a shizzload of mom's money. so she wasnt happy. at all. usually her employees will like refund her or sth if it crosses a certain limit. bt this was so major she doesnt even want to do tht anymore D: so i think we're gna get a new driver soon. which is amazing cause th current one is really quite dom and annoys me ea morning :/ w all th weird stuff he does in th car. and anyway. this isnt th first time! disturbingly, my 60 year old driver has a girlfr. what?

to youth i go tmr! hahaha :D no more shine forth temporarily. until i become too old to go for youth anymore (: hoho. feel like joining th barker mission team bt not sure abt it. cause i really dont like th SIS things th school came up w? seriously. kallang kayaking? adobe and IT? env sci? nasty. and th next big thing tmr. am cutting my hair. changing to a new hairstyle w half my fringe allowed. am tired of th old one (: and besides ive had it for like syyyeeexxx years! and anyway my baby's grown so long its covering my face and makes me go sammaaarraaaaaa.

packing list
1. th CL dress
2. Forever 21 or zara top (if i do get it) & dresspants
2a. red and brown and gold sari if im mad enough.
3. mom's black Valentino
4. esprit handbag
5. salvatore handbag (no chanel allowed asnfzmbfba)
5a. new MNG handbag if it arrives in th next few days
6. curling iron for joanna
6a. styling wax. essentialis.
7. scents and food (:
8. makeup stuff (gta start overturning my room for them) & nailpolish
9. black Vivie and gold Studio 2 inchers (:

lifeskills camp sec four exclusif
7 to 9 march 2007
downtown easstttt. POOLIO BABIES.

she's jayne with a Y, a Christian in Barker Road Methodist Church. turns 18 on 19 DEC 09 (promise nobody will die in the hands of my driving). Currently in 6.14 JOPPA, ACS(I) IB, and a very short while away from taking her IBDP examinations *AHHHH*. will always deeply love GOD, retail therapy (!), food and FRIENDS. & nth charms like CHRISTMAS <3

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