Tried a colorgenics test i found on nessa's eljay and shockingly found a very true test, indeed. well alright, a significant most of it tis true. more and more people are getting psychic. case in point:

BB means someone who can read your mind/thoughts/know EXACTLY what youve done wrong even before you've said anything at all (or just simply through flicks of an eyebrow or a mousy look due to shrivelling like an old plum under said BB's stare)/

and among others, gives you an ice stare when youre late for anyth at all/introduces the other half to good food on a regular basis/loves the same movies/and almost the same equally hot actors :D & basically just kicksass - literally.

anyway, enough flub:

You are tending to pursue your objectives with concentrated intensity and it would seem that whatever obstacles may come into your path, you will stick to your guns and will not allow yourself to be deflected from your purpose. You are striving to achieve recognition and what is more - you deserve it.

You are very talented, imaginative and sensitive but you are holding back as you do not really like going it 'on your own'. In preference you would like to team up with someone, someone with similar attributes as your own, to explore - to seek out and go perhaps 'where no other man has trod before'. It is the unusual that attracts you and which will give you a sense of excitement and adventure.

You are prepared to establish a particular relationship that is being made available to you at this time. It could be a satisfactory liaison but there could be a certain amount of conflict involved -try to avoid direct confrontation at all costs.

It would seem that an existing situation or relationship is unsatisfactory and you feel that there is little that you can do about it without 'some help from your friends', but you have no desire to show the world how vulnerable you really are and therefore you consider it inadvisable to display affection or be over demonstrative. You regard this particular relationship as a depressing tie and although you would like to be independent and unhampered, you don't want to run the risk of losing anything. All this leads you to react 'touchily' and with impatience, while the urge to 'get away from it all' results in considerable restlessness and stress. Your ability to concentrate may suffer.

You don't like authority and you rebel against all forms of limitation. You are your own person and you intend to stay that way and to get on in the world simply by your hard work and determination.
oh yea babeeeee!

Yeh, life's awesome. Is to make up since she went along and bought a new fujitsu lifebook impulsively, while i was complaining away about my lack of a N-series phone, but oh anyway. Not that i particularly like the N76 or N80. I just wish they'd meld the N80 contents with the N76 body. Then it would be perfect :P

also, LAST DAY OF HOLIDAYS CHICAS! go get yr pocket money dears, hurry! And... hold on to those seat belts, i hear term 3 nanyang 2007's gonna be one sickeningly wild ride!

Going nuts rushing the ib application with nikki, we keep digging out emails, certs and eljay or blogger entries to remind us of whutever minimalistic stuff we've accomplished over e years. Aiight, i have to start on the essay soon, really. ITS DUE 6 JULY. Sooooooo gawdawful. Hope we geddin! (: Wish us luck.

Speaking of which: ALENA'S JODI PICOULT QUOTE. :P censored for all you young kiddies out there. Meanwhiles, everyone go on and get Facebook, but be careful! It can be such a drug, honestly.

From shanghai juus comes back home today :D bringing with him my good old dvds. Haha. He better have brought them or i'll cut him up into skinny slices (if thats possible, the skinniness of it all) And you, best of luck & have faith He'll lead your way thru e exams, starting ... TMR :/

Dang am i getting nostalgic. Going through obs diaries, thinking to the wild boar, the fun in climbing, chiobu and every best damn thing ;) ... And just remembered ben said the boseng group before his (allegedly NANYANG! us! oh no) left muck and slush all over the drinking cans, tools and whutnot. Yuck :/ Oh but i swear it wasnt us! Haha

While sifting through our rather underused LMS school email, i found this tidbit from mr adrian chan - and boy, doesnt it feel so long ago, but also like just yesterday he fed us with said candies and biscuits :D
"Thanks for being a great group of students
to teach in NYGH. You have stretched my limits
for patience and also my pocket with feeding
you all with biscuits. I will miss
bickering and interacting with you in class."

I'm so bored writing this ih essay on gender inequality i'm gonna flip and die any moment. (Actually, already have)

Meanwhiles you remain thoroughly uncontactable though i'm trying to tell you that friday, thank you, is off. Dont know if its cause its only you & me.
Newyork squaredt (as alena calls it) and surfs up w thaaat good ol' girl today! really happy, cause we havent really hung out properly (have we even, now?!) haha since june began in our miserable little lives. but now our lives are looking up so, yes. We got fat today, she w her penne olio & me w my pork lasagne. I live for cheese and candy floss, I swear :D

Surf's up was really cute, somehow Lani Aliikai (dang shes got a cool surname) became my favourite! :D She's like the super pretty/cute lifeguard female penguin who be-girlfriends Cody Maverick (main character) and her eyeshadow is a really cool shade. Alright this sounds dumb, penguin eyeshadow. Oh but its like this blue green glitter stuff. Maybe MAC has it (:

We walked around today... so much. Feet were dying extraordinarily quickly, but seeing hmv stuffs took my mind off it. And now I really like Chris Evans & Rufus Sewell. Like i told alena, i like people w haunting eyes, but I havent really found a definition for it yet, even though I like it ;) lol. Maybe its just like, deep gaze, almond eyes (?), rich brown color, etc? Or... seductively sticky/drawing gaze?! Haha. Alena likes gray eyes. And she has a cute couz.

Haha saturday was cool, went to gym out w aunty suan @ sicc's island unit. The personal trainer was such a playboy (; Anyway had some help w e benchpresses and stuff, tried stairmasters and weight training. Only didnt do treadmill cause its boring enough. Am working on core strength (abs! oh yea oh yea! - WELL HA HA) and those fancy names for all leg muscles. PFFFFT. Coos said yest I really can take transport in, cause he got a ride at the sicc entrance before. Some hot BMW convertible saved him from walking e glorious 2 km into the club (;

Mom wants to go every Sat at 3 pm, and we're gna ask aunt suan along - thatd be cool. juus just told me that his dad (and him) tend to go there around e same time. Well nevermind all i have to do is say goodbye to my alr inexistent dignity. Someone's given up training alr. HA.

Small sleepovers are chic cause there's more interaction, and esp those where you dont have this one person who might be rather extra. So it was just ym claire & i (the old gang) & we did very birthday party stuff again. Le Papillon annnnddd The Departed (w uncle & aunt & ym), chat, caught Fantastic 4 @ cathay, 2 am :D , sleep @ 5 am, opened one eye then e other @ 7 then 8 then 9, dragged ourselves to Barker, played in e pool, tried to tan unsuccessfully, somersaults laps & floats, eat eat eat eat eat, napped till ym's sis came (:

We killed our muscles doing crunches off e side of the pool, and now i'm absolutely convinced jessica alba is way hot, and so's Chris (once again) aft comes eee-oh-anne gruff-ood (ioan gruffudd! :D) HAHAHA ALENA. youre gna kill me.

Hahahaha I thought about what ym said about shem, but i really disagree now. Shem's really cool, and he's a pretty good Christian leader. Yes I know about his history previously with Zouk and all that jazz, but since he's over it, then great! :D Anyway he asked us to write our greatest sins down on a piece of paper and burned it (thusly signifying surrender to God and ask Him to take away these sins from us all) - which means:

J: well based on what i promised, i cant go shopping anymore. not impulsively anyway.
J: okay im gonna come every week in e same outfit.
C: *raises eyebrows*

I miss Mel alr, Beev is an absolute angel & i think bouncy bouncy smack smack is a total rip off from circle circle dot dot :D Saw steph wandering around -.- Hahaha and I asked mom what the words sys and dia on grandmama's blood pressure monitor were. Cos i rmbred my results were like 102/62

Mom: Upper bp and lower bp. normal is 120 and 80
J: omg im gonna die.
mom: better lower than higher. im getting sky high bp watching this !#*@^&$@ thing load. [on her comp]

I really think nothing sucks more than exams right smackkk! on e first day of school, so

adopt your own virtual pet!

Oh its so cute. Was like my dream pet a gazillion years back, aft my budgies took a little ride into a better place aft their time was done ): Flick and click! hahaha dont ask why i called them that. It was on a whim! oh bonnie.

DEAD TIRED. went fishing from 10 to 1 sth w chriz and gang. Thought it would be weird at first since nobody else from Ag was there, bt now i dont get why chriz was worried about me going for e beach soccer, but its over anyway. It was okay, cause I got to know these two people who looked the oldest. Cant rmbr who the first one was, some friendly chap. The other one was Wayne! haha. Told him he stole my precious J. One little chap who reminded me of Gabriel from Le China Trip, same temperament and behaviour too :D :D haha.

Anyway. Caught no fish, but broke two lines, hooked some seaweed :/ But yeh! At least anthony got a couple of fish. Made friends w this nice malay lady whose husband was like fishing out four fish per 5 min (!!) Chriz and i were next to him so it was like really demoralising! Haha. I swear i fished better in queenstown, nz, two years back, cause at least i got a salmon! :D

Sun fried me / uneven tan / burnt red / white wrist cause of watch / blistering hot skin / will last two days / ): chriz and wayne were like, toasted lobsters. Rushed to sch / had math tuition / slept until 7 pm / called some people

meanwhiles, hiking next mon! kevin isnt going, andy might. but i DO rmbr i promised alena a shopping date @ novena plus others plus lunch @ new york new york, so. Guess where the heart lies (:
Still sleeping too late. >:/ And.

omg I'm like really tired. Been fishing to transfer big fish from the biggest pond here to the second biggest one. And Malu & I are like the fish out of water here, cause we're much slower wading around in water, algae and yucky stuff like water insects/spiders (!!) w our huge nets, so. Even the fattest koi outswim us its so demoralizing ): Managed to catch 20 in like 1.5 hours, so we have like 180 more to go.

my koi reproduce like rabbits, its not my fault they have !@#$%^&*~ :D

But okay its fun. Aft that went to walk Blue Eyes w Tiffany, down Cluny (Hill) across Cluny (Park Road) and into Cluny (Court) where we sat at Island Creamery and gushed over how Blue Eyes is so gorgeous she's a headturner. Even people stick their heads outta their cars just to get a look at her. Oh and btw, she's a young Siberian Husky, w blue eyes, yes!

She's so strong (twice more so than Pongo, bless him) that it took half an hour to control her a()bit before getting her outta the house. Then we were dragged a little. Good workout I guess, so nvm! :D

SHAGGED OUT. zzz ): fishing tmr! at labrador park (:
Haha I know I havent updated for like, ages. (: But thats cause I got really bored with Blogger for a while (again), and wasted my life away on Skype. Hahaha the video/conference/call thing which is really addictive, and soooo hot right now.

So. Go get it! SKYPE.

Talk to those chums of yours for as long as you like, without the rents/relatives getting annoyed at being unable to call through to the house. (: C'mon, we do need more people. And if your contact has a webcam (like my one and only contact does) then life becomes a lot more interesting. Hols become much more bearable, compared to wishing to goodness you could stick yourself back in school. YES I KNOW ):

Meanwhiles, fished in my lotus pot with Tiffany earlier on so she could take some guppies home, and am fishing on Wednesday with Chriz (LDP) & Co! (: Haha. I think. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS TIFFY! :D Finally decided to get her that Guess by Marciano wallet, instead of a JT handbag. Gorgeous, but I still love my BB orange purse/wallet thing. Haha. Cow hide leather rox.

Shem made us draw out a graph of our life yest. Detailing all the highs and lows. Mine looks like a graph for the movement of a pinball in a pinball machine, no srsly! (: Its so amusing. Shem was all over how he used to be such a wasted guy in uni and emokid and all tht jazz. And having Mel and Eve in class, albeit twice my age, makes it more bearable (:

Kota Kinabalu and Tioman were rockass, and Uncle DongPheng makes an awesome pilot. But on the roads, driving his Merc, he's NASTY. I mean, he's like a ghost rider, he drove at 140 kmh and nearly killed the three of us. I swear, my heart and insides all shifted out of my mouth :/

"I prefer you piloting than driving." Hopefully he got the message.

Anyway went shell picking, found a few regular shells. Aunty Suan helped me with the cowries. THANK YOU! We must go shellpicking together more often, ohyes, gymming too. And book exchanging! Haha. Uber cool aunt, no? (haha youre reading this i bet!) Not to mention she updated me in Tioman about my 6 other cousins, 4 half-french, 2 half-mexican. Stef, Margot, The French Twins, and the Mexican Twins. So much love! :D

Speaking of those shells, into the hands of the close friends, the best friends, do I commit the gift of (cheapo, right off the beach) shells. (: So far, two gone. When _ _ _ _ _ comes back from Little Red Dot's Neighbour, thats three (and all) cowrie shells gone. Aft its the conches, the regulars, and. Bits of sand. (: This feels so first come first serve. Oh nvm. Thy lovely dears.

Okay life's all good now, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

photos from april/may/june:

in kota kinabalu

in tioman/courtesy of my uncle's piloting

& may the sun shine through the tunnel of your life.

she's jayne with a Y, a Christian in Barker Road Methodist Church. turns 18 on 19 DEC 09 (promise nobody will die in the hands of my driving). Currently in 6.14 JOPPA, ACS(I) IB, and a very short while away from taking her IBDP examinations *AHHHH*. will always deeply love GOD, retail therapy (!), food and FRIENDS. & nth charms like CHRISTMAS <3

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