because its almost time tick-tock, tick-tock
in advance, that is. time: 1:34 AM 31 Dec
in these last hours, a certain senior gave me a good talk earlier; reminded me of many things... like what would be a wise thing to do at this point in IB. reminded me of my priorities and kicked me back towards God and all the stuff i should be doing and what not :/
i'm glad it ends this way; catching up w a few friends at least. lunch w manda at akashi jap (paragon outlet) today :D mmmm grape and peach ice cream there is highly recommended only that it's really annoyingly expensive. like only if u've a credit card on u or something, haha. met felicia for twilight! so now we have a plan, cos we love the music:
me: you know something, first day of school on friday... FELICIA!!! i have edward cullen!
felicia: HAHAHA yah i'll go *jump jump* JAYNEEEE!!! i have HSM 3!
*both of us do some uber dramatic throw-soundtracks-across-school thing*
note, soundtracks. although i've cut out all these movie/magazine funky things and stuck them all over my diary for next year :) well, not many but some. its called can't-do-EE-do-something-else, and so my time wasted away... but well. at least i'm prepped somewhat. all holidays and i still haven't touched my year-end papers to see what i did wrong D:
sigh. there's that line that stuck in my head: "your mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash." couldn't be more right, right now. it was our last conversation i'm guessing, before the year ends and the new one starts, so its kinda a bummer yeah but auld lang syne and i'll choose to ignore...
i have a bad memory of being outside mount elizabeth today. this arab guy, he just took up the passageway, went like HI and flashed a huge grin :/ i was kinda freaked for a mo', just plugged into my iPod and walked on. afterwards mom said maybe he was looking for the "last jigsaw piece in his harem of 72 virgins" D: that was funny though, set me laughing. i love how mom's always full of quirky stuff/comments; need to write them down somewhere
on a funny note:
was talking to jasmine about how she could do certain features on her journalism blog... like she explores stuff all for the fairer sex, and comments on them. herself :) and so -
jay/cee ♥ contours of Christmas' hope never fade says: (2:14:52 AM)
could u do some whippy-hair or seasonal eyeshadow cover or something
jay/cee ♥ contours of Christmas' hope never fade says: (2:14:57 AM)
walking the same line between joy and sorrow says: (2:15:18 AM)
walking the same line between joy and sorrow says: (2:15:21 AM)
omg, I scared
walking the same line between joy and sorrow says: (2:15:28 AM)
plus shy
walking the same line between joy and sorrow says: (2:15:33 AM)
especially bikini waxes
jay/cee ♥ contours of Christmas' hope never fade says: (2:15:34 AM)
oh yeah wait
walking the same line between joy and sorrow says: (2:15:36 AM)
jay/cee ♥ contours of Christmas' hope never fade says: (2:15:41 AM)
investigative journalism. shit i forgot
HAHAHA i died laughing :)
all in all, an eventful year yes. some old friends i've drifted away from; some i've kept by my side (alena, yingming, the pinks, lynette). then of the new: those closest, we'll stick together till the end (someone accused me of being idealistic, but i do believe that some friendships really do last and certainly i believe it for, at least, our "xoxo-BB-girls" lot... among certain others). work-wise, i've a plan that's half-baked but then the morning is arriving and i can do some real thinking then :)
so yes, am quite ready to welcome no. nine with wide open arms and a huge toothy grin (: now to end the year in style (i.e. dig out some fun frolicking friends and do something to always, always remember)...
love to one and all,
xoxo Jc ♥
so the countdown plan this year, looks to be more spanking than previous years... or at least more full of buzz and all-that-jazz. i'm not sure if it's gonna be the most fulfilling; i certainly doubt it'll be at all the most impactful (spiritually)... but it's gonna be pretty fun at least.
instead of something at my place; probably gonna hit some party somewhere w ophelia and try to drag some of each of our own friends along :D looking at some possible places now, thinking and wondering... i think i need to grab an ID off someone. but a public promise that i won't break my alcohol abstinence vow teehee. (some sigh in exasperation HAHA AMANDA. some sigh in relief, you know who you are :P) and i'm gonna behave myself, as always, too. nobody needs worry...
after that? have some people over i suppose; ophelia's party cum housewarming after. basically no work done in these next 2 days, other than the fact i'll try to squash some chem and EE in tmrw MAYBE BABY D: like tim told me there's a chem thingy next week and dude, i realized yesterday i missed 50% for chem by a very SMALL margin ): it's not a ****** good sign i met venthan in school today!!!
needs personal assistant *amanda! inside joke haha* whilst window shopping around at shaw today:
*phone starts ringing - yingming. i look down*
ym: HI.
me: HIIII *wondering why she's calling one day early*
ym: STOP SAYING HI. where are you??
me: HUH.
ym: i'm in school, just done. are you gonna be ready soon?
me: HUH. i'm in town.
ym: WHAT. my dear u know what day it is today
me: er... 28th?
ym: *exasperation in her voice* 29TH!!! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET.
me: SH*T.
omg i completely lost track of time. and kept blabbering apologies like an eejit for ages after that but anyway OKAY 31 DEC 2 PM jayne will cease to exist if i forget again which i can swear up down left right i won't! :D okay i know tmrw's TWILIGHT again!!!! :D :D i love that show to bits haha edward cullen and kristen stewart have amazing chemistry; bit biased towards ed though, obviously. being like any other screamy little twilight female fan ;) although the only ones who like carlisle as well (hot daddy) so far are like, me and pet -.-
QT is so dead i really want to get it up before new year's... but judging by tmrw's activities, that seems to be quite a squeeze. haven't even had time to think abt the year, what i wanna do differently next year, HOW MUCH WE'VE ALL CHANGED, role in ministry next year (if ever...) even :/ but all's for the better, am happy and contented for now.
too tired to do much else; just came back from a long long day D: pretty effective; squeezed in some world lit for which i'm just that BIT proud of. considering... haha. but brain kept stalling, so. went to bibi baba to get a new sweater! :) it's a prettier navy blue than my present faded furry one. but still no new uniform, or for chloe either! ugh.
okay like the assistant in there gave me a REALLY weird look when i said "hi just to double check, do you have ACS independent's FEMALE uniform." he was just like "independent...female...huh?" O.O could sense he wanted to ask if either 1. i meant acjc OR 2. are you some tranny.
all in all, a pretty glorious day. now i'd turn in early before i fall dead and really look like a zombie tmrw. 5 people told me i looked dead today D: too many 4 am nights since my birthday doing goodness-knows-what!! most recently, eBooks and chick lit, surfing for no reason, etc. I NEED TO DO EE AND WL SOMEONE KICK ME. AND CHEM ):
rant rant! but yes, today's the second last day of new year already, and i think we all plan to enjoy it dont we :) oh yes, i think my little visit to Admin Office this morning went successfully. now its a mix of swell-and-ebbing tides of regret, eager anticipation and... peace? looking fw to doing better next year. i HOPE
what a long post.
just made the most complicated decision i've been brought to make, in this entire year. not that it was any complication to begin with, from the outsider's point of view... but for me, on a deep and personal level, pretty much so.
i know i'll probably be happy when the consequences come through - good consequences :) but for now, yep feeling sort of empty yet... something else, can't place it.
today was emancipation from two months of lab; i've had great takeaways in research i suppose, and new friendships made. the closest being to dear old bhuvan (: thank you dear for being such a great girlfr to talk to, whether shiz/nonsense/"dirty" or serious, heart-to-heart chats. it seems so fast since 3 nov, but well anyhows... it's a milestone in life? AND! hwachong's uniform fits me like a glove, its amazing. rj's doesn't look too bad either! haha :P
clearly 2008 has been a "learn much, grow much" year. i'm pretty different from the "me" at the start of this year - by this, ( infinite ) much
my QT has died for ages now; feeling pretty crappy about it on an hour-by-hour basis. need to do something about it :/
first post as a seventeen year old! not to say that this doesn't bode well for the year ahead, but am indecisive as ever. great, another huge decision upon this little usually-not-thinking (HAHA) head of mine but what do you know? unable to decide, can't put a finger on sthg without reverting and thinking WHAT IF's and WHAT-SIT's D:
no wonder people use dice to make their decisions, really. if i can't decide by the time Christmas is over, i'm gonna flip a sterling pound coin. queen elizabeth's head = YES; ... her tail = NO. AHAHAHAHAH. meanwhiles, will just continually seek wisdom and keep up my QT with God :) its about time i got back to it.
i think i run away from how i feel a lot. like trying to hide from it or denying it but somehow its just not working well for me right now, to keep up with this hide-and-seek game w myself? so yes... kinda fed up and just being me me real me for now :) nothing to hide, all game and good, bright and sunny! all the way man...
just in case, for whoever passes by, am currently using these online devotionals, until i get the new issues of Everyday With Jesus :) so here:
in the past days, there's been some nostalgia, some missing people back home, lots of mad reckless fun on board... including crashing a performance *cough cough* what do you get when u put 8 growing fun-loving madcap girls together HEEHEE D: and then there was a whirlwind of spontaneity (to BB HQ) and gossip, more fun and laughter, a bit of frustration here and there, then TWILIGHT :D ed cullen OMG MY NEW DESKTOP HAHAH. no i do not have a thing for vampires but still!!
the world needs more gingerbread cookies with almond eyes, sugar buttons, pepperings of sugar and spice (cinnamon)... and a wide cheesy smile! :)
but well.
i shall hopefully be not overly-festive in about 20 hours time :)
and hopefully not bursting another jean button (okay i didn't, but still) after this marvelous cruise of mine that fed everyone every minute every second! i feel like a pig D:
another year gone past - another age older :/ perhaps not exactly for the wiser, but certainly for the better... well, sixteen going on seventeen? one more day, and the "sweet" is lost ): and so i do remember telling someone (i think it was jasmine teo), that sixteen would promise to be one "helluva of a year", and boy wasn't i right
one thing's for sure though - change. not the height (sadly), not
so much the weighing scale. no i haven't gone from goody little innocent girl-next-door (HAHAH i think alena would object strongly but WTV! :D) to frumpy grumpy "!#@&^*!&*^" ball of emo-angst. up down up down, some all the way up, then zoomzoomzoom abysmally abyssal... upupup again. like some kind of ECG chart/cardiogram i swear :/
that is, a heart of one who's eaten too many Big Macs. XD
but anyway, i've come to realise a lot of things as well; all those more subtle changes. let's start w the materialist: up till maybe june/july i'd be all for fashion updates, mags, etc. but this phase comes and goes... yeah i'm all for all the dress-up and having pick-through-wardrobe fun, window-shopping and all. but i'm just not the 15-year-old who fusses over "snakeskin" anymore :) guess that's a good thing, and well there's so much more to life than fabric and makeup (again, im not denouncing it... its just a change in priorities) :P
and then there's all the, how'd you say, little life stuff. we live in the city, yeah... and that's pretty much how it's always been. but give me the chance and i'd zip off to the country (the closest chance being university, but i'd really love to stay here too. too much to leave behind) in other things, i'm not hot for all the prim and proper stuff: fine dining, extreme etiquette, and all. frankly, i'd much rather grab a few good tasty heartland bites, have a good street-lit walk after; do something random like explore kent ridge park or something :)
not to forget that recent bout of cab abstinence week HAHAH D: that entire stretch of walking just that bit more, of saving just that bit of $$$ was only part of it... i think more so there's something more enticing about having the world pass you by a little more slowly on the bus; something more enthralling about standing in the mrt, iPod hooked on and stoning at the little baby girl clambering up and down her seat restlessly... all that, rather than getting maybe killed by all those frightening speeding cabbies :/ or weird drivers
like how i was waiting for mom at barker the other day and suddenly this car broke down in the middle of the road; guy behind noticed too late. i looked up from reading zhuoey's present (SCREWTAPE) and "BANG!" O.O sent a warning msg to mom for fun... she turns left into barker road and suddenly "BANG!" third car pile-up. nasty!!
eck digress. but yeah everything just feels so different this year from last; certainly helped by the many different kinds of lessons learnt. you could even say i've learnt to be less spoilt brat this year (ok gotta admit it at times). mostly cos of the more recent months, an intangible educator reminding me to be less self-seeking, be more considerate of others, how they felt and all :)
likewise in QT, Pastor Noel Goh's words stick in my head, from that 830 service long long ago... yeah its my gmail signature now, because its taught me alot and how to go about life on a day-by-day basis. this year's many events have taught me to rely more on God; even then only tonight in fact i re-established that strong trust in Him, faith that He'll put all right as it is more-or-less now...
for a long time to come: Galatians 2:20 "The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." made Him a bunch of promises, the topmost one about prioritising and really hope i'll carry that promise through even into next year. but there'll also be besties to remind me, remind each other, i suppose :)
so yup as the new year opens, as the new seventeen hops around (along with 12 issues of the mag by the same name :P)... am anticipating much more fun, bright sunny smiles and importantly, the keeping of friends (from this year and before) to grow up and grow old with :D guess some things DON'T change then: sunny good ol' saggitarian optimism and general outlook on life. not a bad thing
already looking forward to the new year 2009, and not just what's on in about 22 more hours... so hmm, HI FELICIA TAN SHU XIAN, i'm not scared of all this anymore :D merry Christmas and a happy upcoming new year, all!
p.s. this past week has just about possibly been one of the most memorable, greatest weeks ever (: and i'm very much thankful for it
hurhur D:
AHHHH. to say otherworldly would be an understatement of the year...
SIGH. no this has nothing to do w my upcoming jaunter off to... :P
12 days into december, 7 days to go,
13 days to better
19 days to whoa!
running through gmail account; everything's been kept since day 1, mostly :) so it first began on 22 dec 2005 (kimberly was 14! :D) and yeah of course we all sounded different. typed different. but some things/loves don't change clearly: that was the age where alena and i had this sudden urge to sign off every single email with something related to
so this is what the emails looked like:
*runs away in embarrassment first*
squeeshed peaches, jayne.
to which she replied with:
- rotten pears and mouldy bananas.
and another...
purple apples and polka-dotted watermelons,
- alena.
my personal favorite:
peanut butter and kaya,
ps, thatll taste horrible, wont it.
so now i remember all these beautiful little things:
1. once had an english tuition teacher nicknamed CANDY chew
2. a previous english teacher forced me to read harry potter 2
3. my sec 2-4 bio teacher pretended to be someone else for months before finally saying that she was my teacher. by then we'd made pretty okay friends (: lynette introduced us. slyly
*note: I KNEW SHE WAS FEMALE AND... yah okay talk to strangers, fine fine*
4. used to do puppydogeyes at every other person i think lol
5. lame jokes like: "it vanished into thin air!" "... oh so air diets! wow!" :P
6. Two Macha's were sitting outside a clinic. One of them was crying like hell.
So the other asked, "Why are you crying?"
The first one replied, "I came here for blood test"
Second one asked, "So? Are you afraid ? "
First one replied, " No, not that. During the blood test they cut my finger"
Hearing this the second one started crying.
The first one was astonished and asked other, "Why are you crying?"
The other replied, "I have come for my urine test."
7. Ramasamy died and went to heaven.
When he got to the pearly gate Saint Peter told him that new rules were in effect due to the advances in education on earth. In order to gain admittance a prospective heavenly soul must answer two questions:
1. Name two days of the week that begin with "T"
2. How many seconds are in a year?
Ramasamy thought for a few minutes and answered...
1. The two days of the week that begin with "T" are Today andTomorrow.
2. There are 12 seconds in a year.
Saint Peter said, "OK, I'll buy the Today and Tomorrow answer, even though it's not the answer I expected. But how did you get 12 seconds in a year?"
Ramasamy replied, "Well, January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, etc..."
Saint Peter lets him in without another word.
8. alena and i used to fashion our own house designs on something called drawahouse.com :) and came up with rather interesting lodgings of all shapes, colours and sizes.
9. hot sweaty days in the top of suntec packing things for the standard chartered marathon (: but in good company of alena (again!) haha. made life funky gossipy fun. blue, green fun
on another note, phatz is finally flying home from DUKE hahaha love you and we miss you dear, see you soon :D
gee sometimes i wonder what would have happened in this life of mine if i'd really gone over to UK at the end of sec 3? and would probably be still there. AND would have continued pre-university there, probably killing myself over A-levels right now instead of IB :/ wouldn't be enjoying the tropical rains, like we're doing now. social life? a RATHER different group of friends, probably. its hard to say how green the grass is on that side, but. i think i love everyone here, so.
Pastor Noel Goh: "We will always want more, both for ourselves and for others. But God gives us what we need." God has a plan for everyone :)
really bored, thoroughly sick of thinking about language and senses in ToK terms (without philosophy's
interference, life would be so much simpler). and so, THANKS TO IZZY'S ELEMENTARY-BANANA (thanks dear! :D) i now have something to amuse myself with:
(done with iTunes on shuffle)
How does the world see you?
The Blessing (Mars Lasar)
- :D
Will I have a happy life?
Mamma Mia (ABBA)
- OH MY MOTHER, quite literally :P
What do my friends really think of me?
Heartbreaker (will.i.am)
- O.O"
What do people secretly think of me?
We Cry (The Script)
How can I be happy?
Glamorous (Fergie)
- hmm. flipflop+tank+sand+waves days make me happy too :)
What should I do with my life?
Down Once More, Down this Murderer (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
- ooh vindictive. anyway, i plead innocent :)
Will I ever have children?
Careless Love (Madeleine Peyreux)
- so a certain kind of 'careless love' = accident kids HAHAH
What is some good advice for me?
Figure A and B [Means you and me] (Hellogoodbye)
How will I be remembered?
Unfaithful (Rihanna)
What is my signature dancing song?
Flashing Lights (Kanye West feat. Dwele)
- disco mania; saturday night fever?
What does everyone think my current theme song is?
Save the best for last (Vanessa Williams)
What song will play at my funeral?
I'm Not Missing You (Stacie Orrico)
- wut horrible friendzx
What type of men/women do you like?
Another Realm (Kevin Kern)
What does next year have in store for you?
In Pace (Sarah Brightman)
- needed, if i am to survive IB Year Seex
What does your love life look like next year?
Sweet Sacrifice (Evanescence)
- UH OH. doesn't sound good either way. work/heart
What do you say when life gets hard?
Battleships (Travis)
- "an eye for an eye", but we are taught not to fight back violently?
What do you think when you get up in the morning?
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Bone and the Edge)
- are a girl's best friend (:
Song that reminds you of your first kiss?
Frohliche Weihnacht (Sarah Brightman, Helmut Lotti, Placido Domingo)
- just to clarify, never before. but... "Merry Christmas"?!?!
Your favorite saying?
I'll Be Home for Christmas (Diane Schuur)
- AWWWW. yeah i'll be this year :)
Most missed memory?
All I ask of You (Andrew Lloyd Webber)
What song describes your best friend?
Stupid Girl (Pink)
What song describes your ex?
Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Green Day)
- HURHUR D: can see why he became an ex ... what ex?
What song describes yourself?
The Quidditch World Cup (Patrick Doyle)
- imma witch on a broomstick chasing four tiny balls around
Where you will be in 10 years:
Little Drummer Boy (Vienna Boys' Choir)
- more like a son. (and i'd be 27!!!)
Your love life right now?
Sugar, We're Going Down (Fall Out Boy)
- down where? at least its sweet not spicy. XD
What is your state of mind at the moment?
Voca me (Libera)
- "Call me": Latin. Not at 3AM, nope no thanks :)
What do your parents think of you?
Too Little Too Late (JoJo)
- ): tis a sign. stop procrastinating ):
What do you think about often?
Microphone Fiend (Earth, Wind & Fire)
What is your life story?
Let It Go (Brit & Alex; Step Up 2)
What will you dance to at your wedding?
When I Grow Up (Pussycat Dolls)
- lyrics: "be careful what you wish for, cos you just might get it" :P
What is your biggest fear?
Strawberry Fields Forever (Jim Sturgess & Joe Anderson)
What is your biggest secret?
Playing With the Big Boys (Steve Martin feat. Mark Short)
- O.O
What is the theme of your life?
I Slept With Someone in Fall out Boy and all I got was this stupid song written about me (Fall Out Boy)
- .......................................................
hahahahhahaha okay this quiz is so scandalous but its good (albeit FALSE, i must insist :D) fun when you're bored! :) back to work in a few hours and i really should go to sleep hmm? tok can wait; there's much holiday left to go
9 more days to seventeen! RARWARGH
need to sleep
earlier than
three am and six minutes
but yes bio rhythms are completely upside down from
well, too many late nights and
a really late late late one yesterday. heck,
it wasnt even night anymore :P
BUT we missed sunrise again ):
now i know, at 5.30AM don't step out
it feels like london winter
tomorrow (rather, today) is hari raya... aidilfitri?
for once, no lab on a weekday. at ALL!!!
= stay at home, chillax, noon plans! :D
time to squeeze some EE and ToK in somewhere
esp since guiltwash this evening when
me mentor woke me up from a nice nap
GRR. just to talk abt EE and i just kept going
"huh huh oh yes yes okay... HUH HUH..." for 5 minutes
yesterday was holy communion:
pet and bong were my guestsofhonor :D but we
DIED. in there because we were all knocked out
pastor d gwee's leaving ):
everyone's leaving: bong and sunfish to harvard in boston
and new york city!!!!! in about 1+ days time ):
victoria secret, madison, metropolitan, central park
harvard, hallowed halls, history (h-alliteration) :D
WAHHHHH i wanna stuff myself in manda's luggage
then again, you have at least a half-dozen going to HK
this giving-loving-sharing season: count is currently at say,
8 plus 1 plus 1 = 10 and still counting... O.O
whats up with everyone? ): lucky lucky haha.
jay/cee ♥ all i want for Christmas is! says: (1:58:24 AM)
my BFF is a kinky panda
i'm going to get killed for that :P
but what's not to love.
(note to self: gerroff msn)
something i read, way funny... but true!
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of crap in return.
and for kicks, TQ loves! for everything ((:
destressing from lousy "tea, okay?" essay outlines:
1. thinking about various snacks i could possibly attack at 1.40 AM
2. blasting some crazy rock music that doesn't help them dying brain cells
3. trying to organize tomorrow's stuff-that-i-need (WTH)
4. playing online games
the last one entails something called hungry spiders where i'm just randomly whacking those creepy-crawlies with a magnifying glass. yes its retarded t th max but whatever haha its destressing and it kind of works... until the spiders reach the cake and the graphics show it munching its so grosse ewwww ):
today was. well i'm sad that shanshan's gone off again for the next 9 days so till then, its just me the only XX chromosome in the lab D: which = quiet days because i'm not exactly up for chatting abt sunshine w XY's who are like my age x 3 AHAHAH! yah really how do you talk life to a japanese supervisor or something?! really wish shanshan was around; we'd be discussing everything hot, naughty and nice :P sigh
but there're more of these episodes when i'm not doing anything during lab? so make the most out of it by reading bernarda alba (neurotic women, seriously!!!) or uhhh nic alchin (teeokay) which is... self-explanatory :D anyway more reason to get off early
!nk meeting @ 1plus today! decided to go to bio labs and what a blessing! in disguise seriously :) found out rena had the stuff i needed (sitophilus oryzae, bio HL ppl! :D) so yup i've a bag of said S.O.'s crawling around in the kitchen now; really grosse!!! but like ginny weirded me out by squishing one flat (weevil juice! O.O) between her nails. through the bag, of course!
haha spent 2 hours in lab today, talking to ginny and rena! :) fun fun i never knew, and rena fed us this thing called dodo! its an indian dessert thingum ("isn't dodo a dead, very extinct bird?" - me :P) which was quite nice. "checked out facilities", set a date w EE mentor in about 6 hours time!
wait that's not a good thing ):
yesterday was the awesomest everrrr hahaha after lab! :) went to pet's, met bong at cityhall with pet and linny and boy did we celebrate her birthday!! got the staff to sing and dance a jiggly dance complete w noisemakers (pet slid under the table in all embarrassment :P), ordered a candyfloss cake for her, MADE HER TAKE OUT HER BDAY PRESENT IN PUBLIC HAHAHAHAHAHAH (she hates us, but loves us) :D chilling and camwhoring at the riverside, went back and 00:00 hours:

okay its one day late here but well. love you darling, and yep thank God too for a friend like you :) knowing you might probably see this; YEST NIGHT WAS BEST EVER and i'm glad it was for you too! BUT REMEMBER THIS. just cos you're 16 days older than me doesn't mean you get to have first meal pickings all the time *cough* okay!! :D AHH ILY MAXXX xx
I WANT PLAY SPIDER GAME AGAIN okay nevermind go sleep D:
two more days, just two more. can't wait! :) been so short, but yet so long!




first day, first few minutes of the last month of the year
which has always been my favorite as far as i can remember;
no not because of the nineteenth (as much as i love it HAHA :D)
but because it means -
Christmas: tis a season to be jolly
Thanksgiving: remembering all that we've been blessed with
New Year's Eve: time you spend thinking abt the past year
11PM on 31.12: start sighing as Auld Lang Syne plays
countdown: being w friends and family, altogether now :D
0101 new year: fresh beginnings, new starts. sugar, spice, everything nice :P
and ya la ok birthday - one year older
(one year closer to white hair, actual occupation;
many other things) :D
FROG = Forever Remember Our God
but yes i do foresee a tad lengthy post towards end of this month
recalling all the happy sad bitter sweet moments of this year 08
looking fw to a brand new oh-nine and
all the (useless) annual goal setting (but grit ur teeth for Y6 people)
stuff like on SGB opening ceremony; that night
intending to shop but chilling outside taka chanel
chatting to bong abt everything; anything (: felt really happy
never sat out and watched orchard move past for hours
(its always us doing the hours' of running around madly
from store to store)
Q: what do you get when u cross an agnostic, a dyslexic and an insomniac?
A: A guy who stays up all night wondering if there really is a Dog.
and right now i really really wish singapore
had a christmas market like Prague :)