this week has been one filled with...

i'd have put one up here for show, but no because i sympathise. those things around my place are like slightly more than a palm-width across (that's including their disgustingly spindly legs la of course :P) so anyway. 3 sightings (hadn't seen one for gazillion years) in 2 days this past weekend was least t say, AWFUL.

first one was in my bathroom. i screamed blue murder (have i said this before?) and lopped gel and chemicals all over the poor thing, cos nobody was at home. shrieked a little along the way while trying to boil it in hot water from the showerhead :/ it was moving, dam**t

second one was er, well. in the washroom downstairs. after coming back from no. 27's party, tiff used it and came out going "THERE'S A SPIDER IN THE LOO!" she meant the bowl. so there was thing scrambling around inside (too slippery) and it was the SOLID black kind of spider. the kind that doesnt look like a gd hard whack w a newspaper does the trick :/ and malu and i stared at tiff a while before realizing: "tiffany, WAS IT IN THERE WHEN YOU USED THE TOILET."
apparently it was O.O she was amazingly calm, a level i would never have reached were i in the same position. dude, i'd have screamed the sh** out of the whole neighborhood, i'm tt neurotic abt arachnids. anyway we told her mom and she said: "is the spider okay?" -.- think tiff was more worried if the spider had bitten her...

well. third one was an hour after no. 2!! it fought w a HUGE lizard (20 CM!) and lost 2 legs :/ they were on the wall so us kids and the mothers were watching wide-eyed. then i told malu to end its life, cant stand those vermin. seriously!

GAHHHH. and HAHA told malu, helper services (in a not mean way) are like some relationships? first week: they ask your every want/need/desire and do more than you'd like them to ;) six years down the road: they don't look at you when you come into the room/go "mmm okay." nonchalantly when you ask them sthg. LOL :P

and so, the week has been otherwise... brilliant :) CNY celebrations; library visits (meeting loads of IB people); last lib visit w natalie and we laid out on the floor in this open-air space near the study lounge. it was so awesome until we got chased away cos they needed to setup for a function ): ahwell! haha. and shopping w nat before tt in the morning, bought a few things... shopped for books, make-up, heels (hers), clothes, Juicy Couture (!!! :D). together, i mean. or we'd be broke :/

of course, the most "EGG-CITE" thing of this week's school-time (2 days!): class prayer meetings. we had the first one today, 8 of us in the 'stuffy room' (lovingly coined by izzy)... had worship, prayer and sharing about our busy little lives. our class has 23 people and today was our first meeting, so that was pretty brilliant, actually :) we're hoping it'll pick up eventually, and well. for God to just continue reaching out to touch us, one by one :D amazing, being in there, really.

so yup, it was beu izzy and tim seet who started the whole thing :) kudos, guys! and then bong mari brian me... paul who poked his nose in since his twin bro was there anyway, and prob will chill around for next group prayers too! and crawshaw, who prayed out loud - first time i've ever heard him and glad of it... we're really gunning for this to spread to all classes, tt each class will start their own movement of sorts. so all the way people! :D

class wrote valentine's day notes for each other today it was so fun and cute ;) we'll get to see our envelopes on the day itself... or fri the 13th, rather. LOL

i'm so glad they didn't take height and weight today! considering i'm eating some chicken in lemongrass sauce now, rice, veg and yam-cake... i don't wanna take next week either!!

i love life. very circusy... and gamey ol' fun :)
stuff begins to feel right again
when you own up to yourself
recognize that it took months to gain a clearer perspective
then realize how damaging your actions could be to another

don't know when it really began?
time to make amends
2 years 2 months running, now

just can't do it to a friend who's been by your side/
watching over from afar
however discreetly, for all that time


'Hello', by lionel richie. aka. he who adopted nicole richie :P
gorgeoussssssss (music) at a charity concert in london
and no, it had nothing to do w prince harry & william in the audience

$$$ coming a'knocking, 
awesome reunion dinner last night (: 
uncle Dom took the crap out of my ribs, laughing
only thing worrying, grandmama's not as strong as before :/

stayed up till 7.30AM last... night/this morning
reading mom's CNY present: a novel -
things i want my daughters to know by elizabeth noble,
its rather fun and addictive :)
mrs angeline wong just messaged me with:
"Jayne pls see me with first [EE] draft on Thurs. Mrs Wong. Thanks."


considering giving her an ang pow with two little chocolate ingots and telling her in a very sweet voice that i've no results yet...

in other things, a truly marvelous QT for the first time in ages, and i'm very much thankful for Him righting my attitude, which is as much as i can help the situation? it's definitely improved by a wee bit at least... anyway it has to. CNY reunion dinner in 2 hours!!! (i got no new clothes this year, WTP LA)

felicia just made me realize i have up to 12 nov before it's all over for me :D the end of IB, the end of school w/ uniforms, the end the end the end

i don't really know how to spell it out. but i really don't like how stuff feels right now, how mom got pretty darn pissed for the first time this year. i won't say it wasn't my fault at all, and trying to put myself in her shoes, i admit i'd be pretty worried if my own daughter didnt respond to texts till a tad later, and forgot to say she'd be back much later than she said she would

all i can think of that is: back home late + smelling smokey + sugar high = over-thinking on mom's part. well i mean, it was a CHURCH event for goodness' sake, and after that the four of us went to newton (explaining the smokey smell) for supper, ate chendol + bur bur cha-cha (sugar high)... i know what mom's thinking abt/of me, i know she doesn't really believe i was out with nat and her clsms - and i really don't like it. so all i can do right now is cross my fingers and hope she cools down soon ): till then, i don't think i'm allowed out for quite a while now

karlo once asked me how can i always be so cheery and happy, how much it takes before i can get really down or moody or anything. heh i'm def not always smiling, but well... i guess this is how much it takes D: just want this feeling of "-.-" and "i'd rather be in school now" to go away

still though, gotta be grateful that just maybe it's lightening up a bit since mom brought home a slice of my fav coffee bean cheesecake for post-dinner dessert. and well, last night BEFORE all the coming-home drama happened... that was awesome, truly truly had a great time. first time ever in a new creation church service. on top of that: a CNY celebratory service :) worship was great, and i absolutely LOVED the worship music and the play - being all written by their own members. saw pastor prince in person for the first time! :D

service... quite an eye-opener being in a Charismatic service for the first time, realizing everyone else in there could speak in tongues O.O i cant exactly formulate a solid opinion on it, but while i'm not exactly used to a so-called "non-conservative" Christian environment, i've nothing against it either - i think mostly because the love for God is certainly still there :) really would like to talk to someone abt this soon though! interesting...

and it was a great opportunity to get into the heart of worship and focus on God for that period of time once again, after a long time :) for all of that being in a church service and all, i'm just really glad nat asked me to go, actually!

before that was a trip to the Lab (failed attempt at collecting jet's and my Dec salaries), and national library w nat and ginny. it was really quite funny, nat sifting thru philo books, me tapping away while referring to books on weevils, GINNY CHARLES sitting there drifting off to sleep and lazily murmuring that she didnt want to do any TOK/EE as she'd initially intended

and today... learnt a thing or two abt God after merv found me thinking abt stuff on accident :/ met feli for lunch then JL+JR chanced upon us and lunch turned into a cracking convo abt the randomest nonsense LOL. nuh was owning seriously, it was just mark feli and i, but we found these two kids who wanted to play monopoly... AMAZING game seriously, one i'll remember for life

there was this really bright kid who was incredibly deft at buying properties and soon amassed seven castles (the largest property attainable) on the board, "if anyone ever asks you what the 7 wonders of the world are, show them ur picture!" (yes i took a photo of the board). how he kept going in cahoots w his friend (nicknamed "businessman") to cheat feli and i of $$, but also how he gave us cash "for free' sometimes :P 

how his friend kept having to pay feli cos she bought a million properties and each time he'd sigh and feli said oh, silent exasperation. but one point he landed on her Jungle Book property for the 147128947th time and he went: THE DAMN BOOK!!! lol just cracked us up seriously. and also like i kept landing on the first kid's castle properties, all along the most expensive stretch of the board btw. so lost the game w a $5500 debt to the bank D: there was a point where i had "one dollar to your name... nobody can get as poor as you." - feli

that girl kept landing exactly in between the castles and the kid was DYING to see her land on his properties HAHAHA :) he looked so gleeful when she finally did! gosh... so yep, quite a memorable day and something i'll remember. it really did cheer me up a fair bit, and for now, remembering all of that and putting it here for memory's sake ;)

hmmm forgot to mention that i nearly lost my phone yest cos i dropped in the cab and didnt realize when we got off at newton :/ till 10 min after we got there and by then the cabbie was on his way to tampines! so we waited for him till about 12.40 and i'm now $20 extra poorer ): panicked like !@#$%~ i'm SO dead if i lost my phone seriously so blessed and thankful that we didnt hail a cab off the road cos then i wouldn't be able to trace him back

there's always something to thank Him for :') just gotta remember to put some sunshine into my face for the coming CNY celebrations - visitations, and reunion dinner tmrw. just wish lil matthieu and co were back home now instead of in new delhi? ): AH WELL!
je ne peux pas dire que je ne suis pas déçu à la façon dont des choses avérées quand l'école a rouvert. après que tout par lesquels le semestre passé nous a mis, après le tout ce qui était sur le réparer au cours des vacances. je ne dirai pas que je n'avais pas peur n'importe quoi de pareil me produirais cependant. en dépit de celle, j'ai vraiment apprécié toutes ces fois s'échappant du laboratoire, refroidissant. amis ! telles étaient de grandes périodes, et je me rappellerai le. mais cette bonne chose s'est terminée, et maintenant je ne sais pas combien de temps les dommages faits prendront à la réparation - de beaucoup de manières ses plus profondément qu'avant. ironiquement en raison d'école, il n'y a rien que nous pouvons faire, ni I… IB nous maintenant tout occupés, peut-être cela est quelque chose être reconnaissants pour.
tellement oui, la vie est un cirque et nous sommes ses imbéciles.

i am deeply thankful my QT is on the rebound. although tonight i know what's been going wrong, because now i have questions for God. not about, Heavens, no! it's "for"... but feli, izzy, pet, kristin and karlo: thanks guys, for constantly watching out :)
they say the eyes are the windows to your soul. that how you feel, the most significant emotion at that one point in time, can really openly and emphatically be reflected in those two (in our case) hazel eyes. so even if you say "no nothing happened, everything's good." but your eyes are dancing like crazy candlelight... well! :P was just thinking about it earlier, if there's a way to not show it like some people can. (not to say expressionless, but for some it's harder to tell) people've said before they could tell when i was happy, exhilarated, annoyed, worried, REALLY worried, sad, angry, cheeky, etc. malu brought it up again earlier and well it's kinda disturbing

maybe those peepers were saying something in school lol... or not. but anyhowdies, was pleasantly surprised and very very thankful in fact, when izzy paid a surprise IM last night, followed by a rather sobering call. i dont know yet (or if ever) how it worked, but i'd read her blog about her amazing walk w God, and really some parts just stuck in my head? :) esp how she gives one hour of her time daily to God no matter what happened.

and so she had a video... a series of them in fact, and shared one about passion w me. not passion of the Christ, but passion for the Christ. i think it really struck a bell, that pertinent reminder that i honestly haven't done a proper QT since nov 08, and not regularly (i.e. 7 out of 7, 4 weeks running) since sept 08 :/ seems so simple, just that few min a day at least w God but... what? there that's the truth which i've "tried to deny" for a while

beyond that, that other niggling feeling: knowing somehow (by some gut or female instinct or whatever) that until this walk w God goes right, everything in life could feel great, could feel special or something - but could never feel complete. for example in a hypothetical situation (crossing fingers here) getting really good grades for IB in Nov wouldn't be a blast at all if i were to remain the same as i am now. (or bringing resolutions to life's other matters). because it was a simple video, and offhand, one might just say "oh, right." but thing is it really did hit spot-on and so my new goal of 2009:

get right w God: putting Him above all else in my life (grades, friendships/relationships w other people, own wants/desires/needs, etc) simply because He's all i need to get through anything one and all of these, and He has the best plan. and like i told izzy late last night, something i realized - i could try running away in every which way, but the only direction i should be going in is into His arms :) like my favourite ever gospel song goes: into your hand, i commit again. ... You hold my world, in the palm of Your hand :D

dum dee dum. this evening these eyes are smiling :)

*P.S.: thankfully all that falling down on me bum yesterday while roller-blading didn't result in not being able to sit down, in the end. HAHAHA. it was quite an amazing "parade"
amazing what an hour long talk can do to you. EE and bernarda alba are hot on my heels. or rather i'm hot on my heels for EE but... all i have to do is remember the all-famous: "for those of you who haven't started on EE yet, you've really gotta start getting your act together." and i get these LOOKS of disapproval D:

okay like its DEFINITELY time to start. AM. GETTING. SOMEWHERE. still, "Chock-latte without endorphins!" :P honestly... HAHA. destress destress! it's annoying but EE and BB and everything IB's been in this head of mine. numerous visits to rena, another one where i havent begun EE yet and she's gonna poker me! ah! D:

bleaarghhh anyw wrt to that stress-offload post, i realized something over the past couple days and the results are somewhat strange and foreign. again though IB owns all and most things are now a "whatever" :/ or a "deal with later". haven't talked to the BB girls properly in a few days now... except feli hurhur. imy loves!

dingaling interesting perceptions and stuff learnt from kenneth, had a serious talk after sch/math today abt BB, recent events, cohort cohesiveness/sense of togetherness, etc. asked him abt his Primers batch, and realized many many many things today D: most important of all is where we're going as a batch, and well, how great a note do we want to ROD from BB with? it's coming, and you can choose to stop feeling things or whatever, but you cant stop time. and time can REALLY kick ass

pity all that enlightenment did the weighing scale no good ):

okay new post-NY resolution: wake up early. i've been late for sch two days in a row not cool. first day was cos i'd 2 hours of sleep (4.30-6.3o) the night before, NO CAB AT ALL and just "heck-care"-d and got meself booked. today... i conked out on my study table last night and woke up this morning at 7++ so well... didnt bother coming till after 8plus and walked into econs still bleary-eyed. luke: "wahlao you look dead." LOL feli was giving me the Look :/

oh my. the clock just struck :) 
happy birthday to joanne!

wow... now i've known the girl for seventeen years. it's 18 but minus the fact that i was born nearly a YEAR after her. yes, a YEAR. i'm surrounded by old(er) women seriously HAHA alena and jo! two darlings (: truly truly AWESOME 
i know this is a public blog but its also a diary of sorts. so if you're in a good mood, i'd really recommend elsewhere right now, before anything else.


there's that analogy: apple pie baking nicely in the oven over time. people smell it, it's like a lure and so they walk over in droves and decide for themselves "wow, yummy!" and dive right in for the kill. so the thing ends up kind of eaten away, crumbs or maybe none at all left behind. not to say that it's only crumbs now (good heavens!), but the knife has cut a clean edge to it anyway. .... and one'd wish it were back in the oven. its not impossible: there are days when you'd rather be invisible so nobody would notice anything, so they'd have nothing to conjure for fun of it and perhaps for once and for all, just "shut the moo up". it's like that game where people pass a message down the row, and the end person gets something so far different from the beginning and you're like WTFH. its so stupid really. and if i thought last year was ****, this year's something else altogether. lousy start to the new year indeed. punching bag please?! here's to wondering if "normal" is ever possible. stupid tok. but well, maintain that resolve to hold your head high and sail through school, through classes being okay, looking on the brighter side of life/keep thinking grass on your side is greener. and remember waking up each morning is about "yay", not "****" am vaguely aware of sounding like some spoilt whiny brat right now.

:) smile, you! and yeah man 
love you girl, and always will!

Jay/cee. ♥       is HAPPEE 18TH BEEDEH ALENA WAN WEN XUAN! ily =)) says: (12:04:01 AM)
so old, woman!
[alena.] - & grace has overwhelmed my brokenness; says: (12:04:07 AM)
yeah i realise too! sniff.
Jay/cee. ♥       is HAPPEE 18TH BEEDEH ALENA WAN WEN XUAN! ily =)) says: (12:04:13 AM)
Jay/cee. ♥       is HAPPEE 18TH BEEDEH ALENA WAN WEN XUAN! ily =)) says: (12:04:18 AM)
you get to drink and drive

okay back to stupid written comm for o'connor :/ "if i don't get it by assembly tomorrow morning HANDWRITTEN, i'm marking you down" (i typed it and it was due today)

this is dem blardee pissing ): excuse the language, but peeved is the least word to use. at least there's dinner-dessert-date w alena and her church friends today/tmrw night to look fw to.

it's high time i turned back to QT again, it's like a discotheque strobe light right now. on-off on-off bangbangboomboom and i shan't live w a daily guilt of not having the daily bread okay joke not funny lol D:
crossing my fingers for tomorrow, really don't wanna get sick. although might just fall dead on the spot from looking at everyone hahahah chris foo's ToK presentation on stage fright LOL D: but yeah okay there's always feli and karlo to hide behind.

OKAY ANYWAY KINDA KIDDING about that... "kinda" :/ just feeling slightly nauseous from the thought that my throat blanked out suddenly in the mid-afternoon. it can't be a side-effect from this morning can it? speaking of which, if IB allows me the time, i might be able to follow up w one of my 2009 resolutions! ...

now, under usual circumstances: mon-fri sees me rushing arnd frantically gathering all my things in the morning, washing up quickly and dashing off to pick up amanda. sat finds me usually lazing around in bed until i tell myself i don't wanna be booked, then i get up... "rush around frantically...dashing off" to go for BB :P sun is the only day i have to run - PROVIDED i don't go for 0830 barker service. (even 1030 is a tight squeeze)

but yeah man i did it today! :D ran from home to botanics (did one loop around the park), then up and down half of dempsey village, wound off to holland, looped around near civil service college (buona vista) then back to holland to meet mom. went home at around 9.30 to a nice cold jug of milo (: mind you, i woke up at 630 and left at about 730.

so so happy and kinda accomplished right now. plus you get to think over stuff while you're at it, and once in a while, maybe allow a bit of ToK-EE-(double Bio) IAs to creep in stealthily :P

dum-dum-dum 6 am fall-in tmrw wth haha and worship prac at keson's place in about half an hour i better get ready and wait for feli to come! yayayayayay feli-and-me sleepover tonight; we'll prob try to do some work together then crash for the night...for the next morning :)

after watching australia yesterday i now think that aborigines are quite cool. they can stand on one leg for long periods of time (flamingo!), sing really nice melodies, throw spears really far and accurately, embrace really other-worldly beliefs that actually KIND OF make sense... maybe it's just a movie but ahwell!
time flies, doesn't it. or time doesn't fly, but you're the one doing the flying around. anyhows, working on presentation for Primers' Council on Sat, and well. thought i'd look into my QT journal from last year, snoop around so it'd help w all this reflecting on a year gone past

so, other than the fact that i'm gonna be EXTRA careful on 10 jan sat even if its not a "friday the 13th" or anything... but u can well imagine i don't really wanna do a repeat "crash-into-lou'ee while going down a slope top-speed on a mini-bicycle, and wind up almost killing the guy" moment. neither do i want a scar on my left knee to match the sizeable one on my right knee, which came from flying off the bike (literally) and body-slamming the road :/

ANYWAYS, i have uncovered, CSCE COMM- PRIMERS COUNCIL 2008 :)
Aims for the year ahead (CE section)
1. Usual activities: Live! Praise, Weekly BS, 
2. Collection of prayer requests to be emailed to Officers weekly (?!?!)
3. Church members as prayer members, inculcate into Potluck for parents and OBA (i have no idea about this one; what it means. "huh?")
4. BS functions as a constant spiritual food source: Strongly encouraged to split into distinct groups (something like Discipleship groups)
5. Transition from BB into FireAC and other Christian ministry events/activities
6. Maintain sense of decorum and SHINE FOR GOD! (:

1. All Primers to attend BS (vital to unity) [added comment: HMMM.] :P
     - Need to ensure attendance (!) and presence of worship leaders
     - Y2s spiritually fed w/ Y5s running spirituality of LDC Camp [past event]
2. To promote gifts of each of the members
3. Christian related activities: MCYC, LDC, SGB, BB-Cares
4. Incorporate Y2s into community service, love for God
     - Y5s to mentor Y2s, assist growth in Christ, to discipline and minister
5. Project I/C to improve efficiency; Worship I/C to be responsible for... worship [debatable positions now, judging by the size of CE Comm HAHAHA]

again i say, time flies; it seems only like yesterday we were gathered into that glass room in a nice solemn circle, listening to wesley chan's address. this year it's russell... and the next "chan" is who? wait till y5s come in officially, i guess :P everyone's getting older.

for that matter, happy birthday liza! JUMP HIGH :P HAHA

waking each day, with that sense of doom like a heavy cement block's sitting on your head. like you've got an exam everyday. its rather annoying, but i hope it's only the initial scare of being in Y6 (finally?) :/ doesn't mean i'm gonna slack too much, either, though. "too much", note :) imma good girl!

hopefully marissa and my application to switch out of math SL2 to the NORMAL SL3 which everyone else is in, will work. cos it really sucks to be stuck in there when everyone else is on their way home already ): blah.
taking a little break off IB (its actually more of silly reflections, a report or two, articles and miscellaneous backlogs of IAs) to... spill :) all in all, very glad for the many students today who practically made the stage overflow like crazy. in particular for the 4 from BB (!) who were part of The Nine. and yep, the sweetest was definitely minkyeong and benedict chen :D absolutely wow-ed everyone, and now... (as heard from feli)

pinoy: the golden couple of ACS lah, i bet their kids will score 46 out of 45.

and then there was the funny guy in a loud pink/blue outfit that could possibly make "best dressed of ACS graduands" in tmrw's ST headlines :P absolutely gorgeous, HURHUR. in any case, today's results just completely added pressure to everyone. like after receiving our chi B results, our class just stayed in class during PE and BREAK to MUG. cheers to joppa, seriously wtp haha :)

my MSN personal nick now shouts: "social life, where art thou? (HA HA HA)" no guesses where the last part comes from, unless you're not from IB :P heheh its all this tide of wanting to do really well this year, in particular in 10 months time (ONLY!)... and then to enjoy euphoria, not regret, next year. which essentially means making a few sacrifices, albeit some i'm not sure i'm prepared to make :/ in any case my usual top distraction (MSN) is defunct haha i'm IGNORING it

we have a class bid to do well too! esp after realizing 6.14 of 2008 had like the lowest scores (39 points average!) across the level. but then quite a few of that class popped up on stage today, much to our delight, and some completely random (annoying to others, probably) clapping and cheering on our part. beu, weekee, manda, kristin, me... and pet amused herself braiding kristin's and my hair! 

for good measure, i'm not sure exactly what's going on right now w that *sthg*. but well it definitely improved by leaps and bounds during the hols and i'm glad to say i'm acting less of an eejit in school now. much much much less. yeah mistakes have been made, but more imptly, lessons have been learnt. now, just biding time...

two reports down, one chem and bio IA to go; this is how i count my days and minutes now eeyerz ): ah well, study date w feli tmrw! worship prac on fri morning, that's something to look forward to. everyone's so cheerful and happy, and the songs are gorgeous. today was our first, and it was really great - all that atmosphere. plus had natalie w me, an added bonus :) love you, girl!

"mighty to save" and "with all i am" have been replaying on youtube for a long while now. my top favorite hillsong records... they never fail to brighten up an IB-nundated life D: morning cabs w amanda, afternoon going-home cabs w ginny. roflmao

its late, i can tell cos my thoughts (in this post) are scattered and randomized beyond belief! night :)
well then, 3 days into the new year and a smile's still on this face :) so far so good, that is. so it all began w a countdown watching the brazilian dancers at clarke quay... a majority of whom i very strongly suspect were trannies! haha. and they did the samba and mambo so that was pretty fun to watch, and what w all the favorite tracks and whatnot! afterwards, a walk back in dead of night from CQ to orchard road took ages and accentuated by heels but ahwell it was worth it :D got back and watched house bunny (removed all brain cells) till the sun rose and shone! HEE

and all the while there was this huge anticipation for the coming of the new school year. so many things: beginning of the end, the first of the last year, reminiscence and nostalgia :) had a rockin' time at ophelia's playing guitar hero and rockband w all the fun songs (red hot chili peppers! :D) until it was way time to start getting back for sch prep. HAHA my coordination sucks to th core no wonder i don't play musical instruments seriously!! like drums was major hard and i kept forgetting th pedal! ): at least guitars were good, a HUGE improvement from last time HAHA w both bass and norm guitar. singing, on the other hand... GRIN

had a small bout of insomnia, and before you know it, a new school year. HAHA malu kept teasing abt who i'd see first of all in school bc she believes in all of *that* stuff and so kept going at it non-stop :P well yeah it felt kind of weird all the way up there on level 5 but we'll make do, its prob better in forcing me to stay in class and do work huh good girl :) although v high up!! feli and i have a theory that we'll drop 3 sizes aft this year from lack of eating! (already succeeded in 1 size HAHA)

only one thing perhaps was the uhhh application didnt exactly go too smoothly and lots of admin problems came up so things in *that sense* haven't changed. idk if its a good or bad thing but classes this year arent so spread apart so i guess it'll be fine :) i think...? kristin asked how i felt about it, and up till now, i can't say i really know for sure except give a 'fine/okay'. meredith-type answer teehee

parade today!! and live! praise (: in which after the first song feli and i realized our mike was OFF. AHWELL, it's us :P and i promised i would never get her into anything again without checking first what kind of event it would be HAHA i must say we both got a little alarmed to say the least today when we found out ALL that would be going on. and now an article for today's event is up on the HW list as well *pointed look at someone* HAHA :P

yay dinner at aunt sheila's tonight along w my fav four sisters (:

my ability to do chemistry HL is drop-dead gorgeous. emphasis on "drop-dead"
she's jayne with a Y, a Christian in Barker Road Methodist Church. turns 18 on 19 DEC 09 (promise nobody will die in the hands of my driving). Currently in 6.14 JOPPA, ACS(I) IB, and a very short while away from taking her IBDP examinations *AHHHH*. will always deeply love GOD, retail therapy (!), food and FRIENDS. & nth charms like CHRISTMAS <3

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